plant success granular

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i got some samples from the grow shop. it's a granulated "fert" with mycorhizae, a biostimulant package and trichoderma. it is supposed to be added to the transplant hole. my concern is that it has an npk of 3-1-2. i don't mind messing with mixing light ferts into the soil but that seems a bit much for a biostimulant, particularly since the reccomended application concentrates the stuff in one area. they also threw in tablets for the same pupose (by the same company) that have an npk of 17-9-5?? plant success is the same company that puts out great white but i never messed with biostimulants before. the npk of the granulated stuff doesn't scare me as bad but is anyone familiar with this stuff? any horror stories i should know about?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
ok well bump, then. i'm really only concerned with the notion that an npk like that could burn a young transplant, but the stuff is made for that purpose supposedly.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
ok the results are in. it's been a month and holy shit. the plants that recieved the plant success during transplant all grew like mad beasts. they all sprouted what look to be very viable budsites at the cotyledons, and one of them has even popped up a root clone. it's not contaminated soil, it's cannabis cotyledons with a teeny set of true leaves forming. i'll be able to post a decent pic in a couple days when it's a bit bigger. the cotyledon budsites and root clone have never happened before. my plants have never looked so good at a month old and i haven't fed them anything but tap water. they are under t5 lights (mixed spectrum) and i planted into a mix of about 30% ffof, 30% happy frog, 20% worm castings and 20% perlite. first watering was with solution of liquid lime 1 tbsp/gal. i reccomend the SHIT out of this stuff. it's WAY cheaper than the big name innoculants you see on the forums. maybe they are better, i don't know and i don't really give a shit. point is it works and it works well.


Well-Known Member
actually, i just looked on their website. it seems that the soluble one has more stuff in it. i think i may get soluble instead


Active Member
I got great results from using the granular every two weeks until mid flower. See sig link for journal.
The Plant Success is a good product. I usually buy the 25 lb. bags of Epsoma's BioStarter Plus online for around $30. I use as a premix in all of my soil mixtures @ 7-10 cups per compressed bale of Promix BX (w/ Mycos). The balanced N-P-K sets the base for any nutrient program. It basically alleviates the need for any vegetative nutes, however I do use other stimulates such as Sensizyme, Liquid Karma, and Mollasses during vegative growth. I transplant 2 weeks before flowering into fresh soil that has the BioStarter Plus, which gives the plant a little nitrogen during the flowering period. This program allows me to use little base nutrients, so I usually only add P/K boosters, Enzymes, Mollasses, and Liquid Karma during the flowering period.