plant superstitions; anyone heard any of this?


Well-Known Member
so i would think of myself as a superstitious farmer, as i have heard several myths (unknown to be facts) that influence my plants life.

first- name your plant a girls name and tell it how beautiful she looks every day. DO NOT MENTION WANTING TO SMOKE HER! this is supposed to keep your plant from turning male or withering from a lack of love

second- never smoke pot around your plants! imagine a plant having to watch you pack its sister into a bong and roast her, and having to breathe in the smell of her roasted sister

Third- classical music, namely Mozart and Bach, strike some magical note or something that can make a plant grow stronger. Ive herd them do this study on the development of children but someone told me its good for plants too

fourth- this might be a little unnessisary but, whenever i start a new plant i pour all the soil on a table,i look at it under a bright light and a magnifying glass, pulling out anything that looks like a root, a bugs eggs and anything that is not (oximoron) pure soil

this could all be my own OCD and superstition but i like to immagine a plant with the utmost care and respect would grow better and maybe even produce better buds

all day,
~~KALEO :peace:


Well-Known Member
i use a jd shot glass for seeds , i know it doesnt make the slightest difference what glass i use but i like to think it makes them extra potent


Well-Known Member
you guys suck. i found multiple posts by people, scientific and superstitious, to back up my theorys. plenty of people name their plants and talk to them. while alot of people might smoke in their grow rooms, ive heard any smoke is bad for a plant, it just dosnt effect them if your vents suck the smoke out as soon as you inhale. i found a huge debate between people who play music for their plants with good results and those haters who disbelive. check out there arguments, all very valid;

i dont know i just wish people were more open minded to other peoples original ideas. no one would come up with anything if as soon as anyone herd it they all said "jack off all over your idea! it will make it better". none of these nay-sayers have very high rep so i dont know why i took them seriously.


Well-Known Member
you guys suck. i found multiple posts by people, scientific and superstitious, to back up my theorys. plenty of people name their plants and talk to them. while alot of people might smoke in their grow rooms, ive heard any smoke is bad for a plant, it just dosnt effect them if your vents suck the smoke out as soon as you inhale. i found a huge debate between people who play music for their plants with good results and those haters who disbelive. check out there arguments, all very valid;

i dont know i just wish people were more open minded to other peoples original ideas. no one would come up with anything if as soon as anyone herd it they all said "jack off all over your idea! it will make it better". none of these nay-sayers have very high rep so i dont know why i took them seriously.
So if someone believes anything other than what you believe, they're a 'hater'? Why is disbelief equated with 'hating'? You're in middle school, aren't you?


Well-Known Member
So if someone believes anything other than what you believe, they're a 'hater'? Why is disbelief equated with 'hating'? You're in middle school, aren't you?
skrew u bro, ive been out of grade school for years and i attend a community college, if u really wanna kno. and i dont kno where u get off making assumptions about my thoughts. i said there were haters there, like the ppl who posted here are haters, for hating on sumone who has a differnt point of view. their disbelif is there own oppinion which they are intitled to, just like mine is to be lovig caring and superstisious about my pot plant. what is hating is saying im crazy and stupid and telling me to spank in my plants, because they like you dont know, is hating. oh and what else is hating is how you sound when i read your words, in the forum about music and then in mine.

what makes u think im inmiddle school? i think your assumtions make you seem immature but i wouldnt say your in middle school. did your mother teach you manners? because mine taught me if i dont have anything important or nice to say then SHUT THE FUCK UP (THIS MEANS YOU).

i said one thing about how i dont like people with closed minds and you come in sounding like a biggot and an ass-whole, trying to put oppinions into my post that dont exist.


Well-Known Member
That's easily the first time I've been called a 'biggot' Bleeding heart liberal - yes. Socialist, commie, pinko - yes. Biggot, close-minded, asshole - no.

And what kind of community college allows for such HORRIBLE spelling and grammar (gonna take the bait)?

And BTW, I never insulted you. And here you go, continuing to call names and engage in shenanigans...


Well-Known Member
for what its worth i talk to my plants and play music while im in the grow room tending to them.. the music is more for me, but if it helps them grow its all the better.. dont know about classical music tho.. more into the rock.. id like to think if my girls were really my girl then they'd be into rock... something about heavy metal chicks just does it for me... anyways... i dont name my girls... just tell them how sexy they are and how beautiful their buds are... i dont go quite the OCD with soil and that sorta shit... i dont smoke around them... its mainly because i need both hands to work... although i do agree large amounts of smoke will be and can be detrimental to your plants, i dont believe a blunts worth each day will affect them.. even under poor exhaust conditions... this may very well be the gayest thing any of you have heard.. but its been my personal superstition every night since i started growing.. but at lights out.. when i put them to sleep.. i say "good night, sleep tight, grow big and fat for me tonight".. everyday i see new growth.. now i know saying that does nothing to actually make the plant grow.. nor would it stop growing if i stopped saying that.. but i do believe plants respond to stimuli... and we can affect the growth by more than just how we normally do... and even if talking, music, ect doesnt do anything in the end.. whats it really hurting to try??



Active Member
Kaleo, you don't have to defend your age or anything else mentioned, to any of these people. It's the internet.. who cares what people think?

Care for your plants anyway you wish, it shows that you put alot of effort into it and enjoy what you do.


Well-Known Member
heck dont people name unknown plants typs with there own names they make up? why do people name them? you could just grade them ya this A this is B and so on!!