plant to light distance


Well-Known Member
Gday all I have a 250w hps setup with two girls getting a tan under it. it is my first flowering of my first grow. could some please help by advising on right plant to light distance? Out.


oops sorry did not think first one took

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
most people lower the light down then place the back of your hand near the top of the plants. after a couple minutes you will know if your too close.


Active Member
put your hand at the top of your plants and lower the light intil it is warm on your hand as long as it doesn t burn your hand it wont burn your girls the closer the better


Well-Known Member
i keep a digital thermo at the top of the canopy... and adjust the light till its 80f . or you can use your hand.
hope it helps....

theres a whole post on this type of thing . but i'd say about 1 foot- 18 inches