Plant too large for grow box (help/suggestions)

Hi(gh) (see what I did there?)

This is my first actual attempt at properly growing, I'm basically trying to see what works/what doesn't while still receiving a result in the end.

These are bagseeds if that makes any difference.

I setup my grow box about 2' x 2.5', running 2 27watt CFL's. (pic is from first day I built the box, before my lights)
I have my fans setup (intake can be seen in the 2nd pic)

Unfortunately I used makeshift pots for my grow. (can I blame laziness on the economy?)
Any suggestions would be great.

Sorry for poor image quality, I took them from a shitty old phone.

But here's my problem, the plant in the first image is now too large (and much bigger than shown) for the box, I have yet to begin flowering since I'm worried my plant is in danger. It has began to bend since it hits the top of my box.

Can I cut the plant towards the bottom (same method as if I were to mother?) Should I let it grow like this? I'm pretty confused since the head of the plant seems to be smashing against the top.

I'll try to add some more recent images tomorrow if that would help.
Thanks, any suggestions would be great.



Well-Known Member
well what i would do is take a few clones from the top branches and then cut off half the top part because when u flower that plant its ganna triple in size. and then start an extream LST (low stress training).. ur ganna have to keep that plant as low as possible...


Active Member
you can top the plant, just cut the top stem 5 nodes down at an angle, you can start flowering at 12 inch tall, the plant will still grow for the next couple of weeks tho so you need to get a taller box in my opinion. Or just induce flowering earlier at like 9 or 10 inches. If you can keep a fan on them constantly the stems will grow thick and strong which will allow you to induce flowering earlier. Good luck!


Your plants are stretching because of lack of light. Next time add more light, and they will not stretch as much.