Plant too small?


Active Member
This is a picture of it taken literally 10 minutes ago, its a 6 week old plant, purple haze. Wassup? I live in florida, it gets max amount of sun, 80% perlite 20% soil. The pistils on the plant are also looking redish.. is this bad? Thanks! :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Looks to me like it has been flowering from the get go!! What times are sun up and sun down???


Active Member
The sun starts hitting it at like 9:30 and goes down at like 5. I live in Miami so the days are short. Thanks for the quick response. They still seem to be a bit small.


Well-Known Member
you planted it at the wrong time of year, i know up here in the 850 we're only getting like 11-13 hours of daylight per day and we generally plant up here about late april to early may. i dont know if you could bring it inside and save it or not.


Active Member
Ive never seen anything like this before.... Mind if I use you're picture in a custom guide I am making? If you want, I'll use your name for the example Picture... This.. This is good stuff


Well-Known Member
ive seen this as a matter of fact one of my plants in my indoor grow i am growing now had this issue got it from a freind that didnt know why it wasnt growing put it this way my freind started the plant at the same time i started my outdoor grow last year and by october it was just like it was when i looked at it in april except it had started to flower was maybe one inch tall i took it home transplanted it put it in my grow box left ligths on it 24/7 for two or three weeks and it came around


Well-Known Member
ive had plenty of these! keep that shit under extra light to reveg! and Go for it!
I for one would like to know just exactly how you had plenty?.

The OP's pic shows a 2 week old plant, even on a 12/12 schedule from seed they don't flower when this immature.


Well-Known Member
seedlings can flower after they are about 40ish days old, not sayin u wanna but they can....Keep da PIMP HAND STRONG!