Plant topped itself ????? or bug at main stem

Have a plant outside and about 1 week ago I looked at it (not at my house) and it was topped some how on its own but the main stem where it was topped looked like it was eaten or somehow rotted... BTW when it topped it was anywhere between the 10th and 12th true set of leaves. Is this bad ???


Well-Known Member
My first thought was something nibbled it and didn't like it. Might wanna consider putting up some sort of fence/barrier?
Good idea, and if a fence is too standout and you want to keep stealth. Just go to your local hydro shop if you have one near you, and grab a bottle of wolf urine. Its helped me in areas where the deer are just fucking everywhere
My first thought was something nibbled it and didn't like it. Might wanna consider putting up some sort of fence/barrier? Any animal tracks?
Don't think it was an animal bc it was too high up. Plant is already 3.5 feet tall and it would have been too much of a coincidence just to bit one little stem. I think I will take a pic and post within the next week.


Well-Known Member
It was probably a deer. I had a plant about the same size get eaten all the way down to its first set of leaves a few weeks ago.. but the plant 5 feet away was untouched. Nothing else around is big enough to do that kind of damage overnight.