Plant trouble - PLEASE HELP - first grow


Hi everybody, I need help. A little about my grow:

Soil grow in 5 gal buckets.
600W HPS
bag seeds (good stuff though)
24 days into flowering - it was day 11 when I positively identified the last male

I think I have a combination of problems.

A LOT of the leaves have turned yellow and it covers the entire plant. It is actually much worse than it looks in this picture. It is worse right at the bottom of the plant, and it has dropped quite a few lower leaves.

Is it normal for them to turn yellow this early in flowering?IMG_0138.jpgWhat do I need to do to improve this?

I think I burned them last week when I fed them. I started noticing signs 2 days after I fed them, so I ran five gallons of clear water thru each plant. I have no clue if that was enough or not. (It took a while to get 5 gallons to flow thru) All of the info I could find says if you overfeed them, to flood them, but it doesn't say if a flood is 5 gal or 100 gal per plant. They improved after flooding them, but some of them still look bad.

[IMG_0137.jpgThis is nutrient burn isn't it?

IMG_0141.jpgIMG_0140.jpgWhat causes the leaf edges roll under and the whole leaf to curl under? What can be done to help this?

[IMG_0143.jpgThis plant looks different from the others because this picture was taken with the HPS light on, the others I turned the light off. Is this nutrient burn? Is there anything I can do now (a week later) to improve this?

Thanks for looking, and any advice/suggestions appreciated.:wall:



Well-Known Member
Magnesium deficiency IMO. Add 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salts per gallon of water. If your using tap water almost anything over 200PPM has too much calcium in it which tends to lock out the magnesium. You can foliar feed the plants the Epsom salt solution and they will absorb as much as they need very quickly curing the problem. The leaves will green back up as long as they aren't too far gone.


I have a friend who used to grow hydroponically and he gave me all of his leftover nutrients, and told me that it was the best you could get, and it would work fine in soil growing. After the experience I have had, I tend to disagree with his assessment. It is General Hydroponics Flora Series.
I have made a lot of mistakes on this grow.
I used Miracle Grow potting mix which has some nutrients added.
I transplanted much too early (11 days after they came thru the surface of the ground).
I transplanted those 11 day old plants into 5 gal buckets. It took them 3 weeks for those tiny plants to use up the water in 5 gallons if soil, so the only nutrients they got in the first month of their life was whatever Miracle Grow put in their potting mix.
For that first feeding/watering I gave them 1 t each of GH Flora, Micro, Grow, and Bloom per gal of about 6.5 pH water. I gave each plant 1 gal of this mixture. There was a growth spurt after feeding them. This time, it took 1 week for these now bigger plants to use up the water in 5 gal of soil, and I watered them with clear water.
They were growing fast and requiring watering every 2 – 3 days. I had put them into flowering shortly after the first feeding, and 2 weeks after that first feeding, I fed them again with 1 part grow, 2 part micro, 3 part bloom to try to prepare them for blooming. When I mixed this solution, I mixed it in a 5 gal bucket, and mis-figured on how much I needed for 5 gallons, and mixed it at double strength of what I intended, and gave each plant a gallon of this mixture. Two days later I noticed signs of burning, so I flooded them. I have watered them twice since the flooding.
Any advice is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If your gonna use GH use COCO as a medium they also have a feeding chart or there website after getting more information from you im thinking you over fert although you still have a meg def you gave them to much of ther other stuff the Miracle Grow potting mix has like enough nutes in it to last a month or so. Soo in the future i do love GH it works great but use Coco as a medium ph the water 5.8 to 6 GH carrys a organic line of cal/mag im always def if i dont supplement with this.


Thanks bonkia & NoDrama, it seems that you agree what my problem is. Since I just watered them last night, I plan to try foliar feeding them tonight just after the lights go out. Should I repeat this daily until next watering and then add the Epsom's salt to their water?
Anyone else out there that either agree or disagree with bonkia & NoDrama, I'd like to hear your opinion.