plant wilted- pic attached


Active Member
I have 2 of my plants not looking good at this point. Both are 4-6 days old clones, keep them outside during the day and under lights during the night- 24 hour veg cycle. I dont have a mh light, only 1 1000 watt HPS that i keep about 2 feet from the plants with very good airflow & cool area. I know you dont want them to be too close using the 100 watt HPS but the other plants are doing fine so i dont think they are burnt. I water them every 3 days depending on if its dry 1 inch under the soil when checking. Please help-



Well-Known Member
That's way too much light for such young clones. they need to have just a little light right now...put em about 4 feet away. Also, your medium looks really dry.


Active Member
One of them already responded with water and is perking up, the other hasn't changed. ok, will keep them a bit farther away from the light, 4 feet. I just planted the clones a few days ago so i heard that when transplanting you want to water it good, then don't water again until its pretty dry, this will get the roots shooting down in the new soil. Is this wrong? If i change the light now they will think its time to bud no? I heard 24 hours on is fine for vegging? or are they too small for complete 24 hour veg at this point? sorry, first time grower can use some help.

That's way too much light for such young clones. they need to have just a little light right now...put em about 4 feet away. Also, your medium looks really dry.
I had the same problem and what got rid of it for me was just some vitamin B .. Go get some super thrive and mix about four drops in a bottle of water and start misting the plants they will snap out of it and put the vitamin B in your water solution too.:joint:

mist them twice a day to three times until they look happy again.


Well-Known Member
you're just as well off with the light on 18/6. 1000 watts on 24/7 would cost me 40 bucks a month. Put that tenner back in your pocket :hump:

I grow hydro so as far as watering your clone goes, I would keep some moisture in the medium. New roots are easily withered.

Nonetheless, that wilting is from the light. Let them grow some more roots for a few days before you move them back closer. To like 3 feet.


Active Member
ok cool, thank you. So, to understand you correctly i should have the light 3 feet from the plants until they grow more roots, then move it closer? or have the light farther than 3 feet, then once they grow roots put them 3 feet up? appreciate the help. I would love to do hydro but want to learn a bit more first before i get into that project. Also, i am just using 1 1000 HPS watt light now since they are so small, but i have 2 of them (hydro farm) so once they are slightly bigger i will use both lights. I dont have any MH lights so i am using the 2 HPS 1000 watt for the whole grow. Do you think i will still yield a good amount using HPS VS MH lights? I have 16 girls, do you think its far off to expect roughly 32 oz/ 2 LBS dry? (calculating roughly 2 oz per plant) If ofcourse everything goes smoothly. I plan on vegging them until they are about 2 feet tall & bushy for optimum yield, then going 12 on 12 off to flower

you're just as well off with the light on 18/6. 1000 watts on 24/7 would cost me 40 bucks a month. Put that tenner back in your pocket :hump:

I grow hydro so as far as watering your clone goes, I would keep some moisture in the medium. New roots are easily withered.

Nonetheless, that wilting is from the light. Let them grow some more roots for a few days before you move them back closer. To like 3 feet.


Active Member
I had the same problem and what got rid of it for me was just some vitamin B .. Go get some super thrive and mix about four drops in a bottle of water and start misting the plants they will snap out of it and put the vitamin B in your water solution too.:joint:

mist them twice a day to three times until they look happy again.
cool, i am going to head down and grab some vit. B. thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Couple things to concider bout the light it seald hood with a temperd lense? And do yu have a fan venting it to keep it cool? If you have/r doin both 2 feet should be fine with good waterings... But it being farther away now will not hurt them.. Also whoever told to to veg in 18/6 is correct, that 24hr shit is a no good, I feel it puts unneeded stress on the plant, not to mention it will gro.almost as fast in 18/6. Hope ur first harvest is better than mine was!


Active Member
i dont have a lense, or vents, but i have a window with a window fan blowing in & sucking out, i also live 2 blocks from the beach so even with the 2 1000 watt lights its 70 degrees in there. the fans are blowing cool air in too. I'll switch to 18 on 6 off though for sure. i was thinking of buying some cfl's for starting out from now on, i only have these 2 1000 watt HPS for now. DOES it really make a difference in yield using cfls first then move to hps?

Couple things to concider bout the light it seald hood with a temperd lense? And do yu have a fan venting it to keep it cool? If you have/r doin both 2 feet should be fine with good waterings... But it being farther away now will not hurt them.. Also whoever told to to veg in 18/6 is correct, that 24hr shit is a no good, I feel it puts unneeded stress on the plant, not to mention it will gro.almost as fast in 18/6. Hope ur first harvest is better than mine was!


Well-Known Member
i use 6 23W CFL in my veg room, then flower with a 1000W HPS, i notice alot of growth difference when i flip them, but it seems to work fine, just veg them for atleast 6 weeks to get them a good size before flower, check out my video grow in my link man.


Active Member
dude no need for that much going from sunlight to artificial light like that adds lots of stress and doing it everday is most definetly not helping


Well-Known Member
dude no need for that much going from sunlight to artificial light like that adds lots of stress and doing it everday is most definetly not helping
uhhh...hes vegn with a HPS? but as far as stressin them goin from one light source to another, going from CFL to HPS is not that bad...shit most outdoor grows go from HPS the the sun! and their fine!