Plant wilting/ brown spots.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys I could use some help here. My first grow went great other than the fact that both my plants ended up male... Here I am at week 1 flower of my second grow and a problem has arisen. My only confirmed female is wilting and doesn't look so great :( is this a problem with my ph now that I am in flower?

Soil is FFOF and FF nutes. Fed and watered usually every 3-4 days when the pot feels light. All three of my other plants are on the exact same schedule and everything but I am having no problems yet. Only difference in this plant is that it is now budding? Help me out here guys I want some good bud.



Well-Known Member
As far as I can tell it is around 6-7 I have the crappy little test tube that comes with the ph up/down kit where you have to make it yellow. It doesn't feel very accurate to me.


Well-Known Member
Also another difference with this plant is I have given it tiger bloom the last two feelings where my other plants have not had any if that makes a difference. The tiger bloom throws the ph wayyyyyyy off an takes a lot of adjustment before I can get it back within spec to water the plants.


Active Member
one hesitates to sound overly critical, but besides the wilted foliage, from the looks of the plant, the lighting doesn't appear to be very strong ...
...following and good luck Cano


Well-Known Member
The plants in the picture behind this are under 2 65w cfl and a 26 w. This plant that is having the problems is actually being grown inside a "spacebucket" it's under 4 26w cfl and 4cree a19 bulbs. I feel like it is a ph problem. Maybe I need to get a better test kit. I don't understand why it's only this plant though. Are they more sensitive in flower? This happened almost immediately after the plant showed sex.

ii dP ii

yeah that looks like my big bitch... I started out using tap water for watering, then half way thru changed to distilled.... I think I gave mine a Ca def. so I switched back to regular tap water and the brown spots have gotten better, but shes still wilted and leaves curling... also thinking pH is off but my meter is crap as well and goes between 5.0 and 6.0. not sure if I am getting a proper reading though, does anyone know if you should use those stick meters in bone dry soil or maybe slightly wet? does it matter??


Well-Known Member
Alright suspecting a possible pH problem I flushed the plant today with 2 gallons pH adjusted water with no nutes. Testing the runoff shows pH is almost the same so I don't think I have a soil pH problem or nuts buildup in the root zone. I'm going to let her dry out for a few days and see if there is any response. I also trimmed some of the bad growth, especially the lower side of the plant. Since its being grown in a bucket the bottom doesn't get much light penetration anyway. I'll keep this thread updated if the condition clears up or worsens.