Plant wont stay straight.. help =)


New Member
My little baby is probably about a month old, in a closet setup, have a fan and all but I just cant get my little baby to grow straight, She's always bending all werid, any ideas and help?



New Member
If lighting is the issue its probably cause I have her to far from the light, but I have been trying to figure out what to do once its time for flowering, I'm kind of on a budget and am trying to figure out what the best light I can get for general use through the rest of the plants growing stages.
If lighting is the issue its probably cause I have her to far from the light, but I have been trying to figure out what to do once its time for flowering, I'm kind of on a budget and am trying to figure out what the best light I can get for general use through the rest of the plants growing stages.
It should be way farther along than that after a month, she's really stretching for that light, unless you mean a month from germinating, 100w CFL's at walmart are your best bet for a budget grow =) 8.88 for a pack of 4 and that's all the light she will ever need


New Member
Yeah a month since germination but I still feel like shes growing slow too, could be the light issue causing that as well
Bag seed? Get some more light on er asap, put a fan around to strengthen up that stem and hold on for the bumpy ride =) Kind of looks like a natural LST to me =D


New Member
yeah, its a lonely little lucky seed i found in a bag of some of the best herb i've had. I already have a fan in there blowing a light breeze, and what is a natural LST? excuse me, i dunno all of the lingo =P


Well-Known Member
its been said before but you still havent told us. what kind of lights and how much are you using and how far away? thats got to be the problem. the plant will only grow straight up if the light bulbs are straight above it they grow towards the light so if the lamps off to one side then it will lean


Well-Known Member
LST is Low Stress Training. meaning you can tie the plant over to one side to allow the sides to get more light and it will bush it out more and keep it short


Active Member
to fix this problem is simple.

1. your lights are too far.
2. make sure your light is above the plant.
3. light distance depends on what light you are using.