PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun


Well I am new to this forum. I never knew it existed till today so I thought I'd fill everyone in on the current project at hand. Below are pics of the current project and 1 or 2 pics of my first ever female outdoor plant.

Here is a "boredom induced" project. I stuff the cup with shredded cow pot and fill it 3/4 with water. On the top i have a cow pot cut in half and packed with dirt with a seed planted in it. The dirt is soaked the water in the cup is nutrient rich from all the cow pot.

Here I have cowpots. I fill them half way and lay down a miracle grow spike. Then I topped it off and with a half inch pinky hole I plant the seed and cover it loosely; all of this being done with Miracle Grow Potting Mix. On 1 of these 4, I put 3 MG spikes. Lets see what happens: )

Here is a little plant I found growing in my lawn. I plucked her and put her in the pot you see there. Hopefully she is in fact a she. If not, hopefully 1 or more of the 4 cowpots will be a female.

Here is what my first ever outdoor project turned into. She was beautiful.

edit: Here is a close up of my HE plant lol

Any comments are welcome. I will be updating everyone as progress is made. Wish me luck!



Well-Known Member
Ha Ha! I like that, you found a plant growing on your lawn :lol: You must toss your seeds out the window when you are breaking up bud. Interesting little experiment with the cow pots. Welcome to RIU bro...


Thanks I appreciate the welcome! and by the way...these seeds Im using are just from regular bud I bought from the local hood dealer. Decent stuff, but these aint hardcore internet bought seeds.


Well-Known Member
if u found a plant in the yard and live in the midwest , its hemp , industrial hemp leftover from ww2 and in no way good 4 tha head


if u found a plant in the yard and live in the midwest , its hemp , industrial hemp leftover from ww2 and in no way good 4 tha head
But I generally always have parties and everyone throws their stuff in the lawn so Im positive it is from a seed and not just a random ww2 hemp. BUT, once it there anyway to be 100% positive? just incase I might be wrong? Thanks for filling me in on that though. I appreciate it


update : )
Well the plant I'd found in my garden is growing alright. Here are some pics of it and I was wondering if you guys could help me spot wether its a guy or a girl yet. Im having trouble. Opinions are welcome as to the plants progress and such. Thanks again! :weed:



damn i thought it was already showing and i just couldnt see. judging from that about how much longer would you say? 4 days?


Well the plant from my lawn turned out to be a full fleshed male. The 4 cow pots died due to me getting sick and not being able to being able to water them. the 1 in the cup survived so she got into folgers coffee bucket. one other plant survived from my mothers garden, so she is also in a folgers coffee bucket. Will update once they look decent. ok gotta stop im high.


quick question. Will my seedlings sprout indoors without any special lighting and just watering? then once they sprout I can move them outdoors?


Well-Known Member
They will need light as soon as they sprout or they will stretch an you dont want that. If you are going to put them outside as soon as they poke through the surface then you wont need any light. Just be sure the temps are right outside if you are going to do that. You don't want them to freeze to death. Good luck:weed:


Thanks pothead32. its great outside. humid and around 70 to 80s at night then the day is a real scorcher. i moved them out already, even though they havent poked. they should soon. will update with pics whenever progress is made.


Well-Known Member
You must live down south somewhere with temps like that. I'm still waiting for the night time frosts to be done so I can get my baby's outside to they're home in the woods.