Planted too shallow?


Well-Known Member
Afternoon Rollitupers! I germed some seeds the other day, waited until the taproot showed and planted them in soil. I'm not sure if I'd planted too shallow because after 2 days they showed up. Just that ones got the shell basically entirely stuck on it and the other one has come out all wonky with no seed leaves. Not sure if it is because I planted too shallow, but now I've put a little waterbottle greenhouse over them, just not sure if they'll keep growing or better to scrap these and germ some more. Will they bounce back?



Well-Known Member
the seed doesnt have to even be covered, if conditions are light, high rh, 80-82° gives me best results

sometimes you have to manually remove the shell, its pretty normal. usually from the dry seed shell


Well-Known Member
the seed doesnt have to even be covered, if conditions are light, high rh, 80-82° gives me best results

sometimes you have to manually remove the shell, its pretty normal. usually from the dry seed shell
I'm more worried about that funky looking one as it grew out without cotyledons. The ones with shells I've had in the past have usually dropped the shells after a few days with a bit of spraying. Just never had one pop out of the shell and show no cotyledons.


Well-Known Member
dont spray, risk mold.
it looks fine to me, maybe a little premature to be out. give it a couple days


Well-Known Member
I'm more worried about that funky looking one as it grew out without cotyledons. The ones with shells I've had in the past have usually dropped the shells after a few days with a bit of spraying. Just never had one pop out of the shell and show no cotyledons.
Just had a Nirvana Jock Horror do this. I got it to root but it is a runt. It showed cotes and true leaves in a few days and it's hanging in the veg room with 12 others (not all Jocks) and they are rocking under 24/0 MH. It's still a runt.


Well-Known Member
Both are growing. The one that was looking strange was actually covered in the inner skin of the shell it came off on the same day, but seems to be growing a little bit slower than the other. Just that the one with the shell, only shed it after about 3 days, now it's growing quicker than the other one, it's a bit stretched so had to support it with some toothpicks. The only thing, both of it's first leaves seem bent. Is this just genetics or could be a substrate/nutrient problem?

This is the bent one

The two together



Well-Known Member
One of them is growing significantly slower than the other one. Would that be just the pheno? It popped before the other. The conditions are exactly the same, both stay in the sun, both have been watered at the same time, but one looks like it hasn't grown in days. Got them both under shade cloth, the little one got a little burnt from the sun. I thought she might be developing her root system instead of putting energy into growth but not too sure. I'm thinking to pop another seed because that one's looking poorly dunno if she'll bounce back.



Well-Known Member
if I was u I would get them veggies somewhere else espelley that mater they tend to carrie fungi weed don't like'