Use a one gallon or a party cup to establish the roots. Then it will be fine to go in the ground when you getting 14 hours of light. Or you can use supplemental lighting.
I m worried that some little animal or a bird wil eat my seedlingHow do seeds grow?
Whatever works for you.
this is a risk you take, you can get slug pellets to stop slugs, what is the temprature at night time, do you know? and when does the sun come up and go down?I m worried that some little animal or a bird wil eat my seedling
Are slugs drawn to it?this is a risk you take, you can get slug pellets to stop slugs, what is the temprature at night time, do you know? and when does the sun come up and go down?
The night temperature will be 11° Cthis is a risk you take, you can get slug pellets to stop slugs, what is the temprature at night time, do you know? and when does the sun come up and go down?
oh yes, they love them. if you can, when its wet, you can put down some lettice leaves for the slugs to eat, they will eat the leaf b 4 eatingf your seedlingAre slugs drawn to it?
Thank u!oh yes, they love them. if you can, when its wet, you can put down some lettice leaves for the slugs to eat, they will eat the leaf b 4 eatingf your seedling
Someone said that small eggshells will keep them at a distanceoh yes, they love them. if you can, when its wet, you can put down some lettice leaves for the slugs to eat, they will eat the leaf b 4 eatingf your seedling
I use tomato containers from grocery for my little baby girls to protect at night and windIf it warm enough outside then I do not see a reason that you can not do it. If there is a large temp. change them maybe not. What you could do to help is use cover, like a glass jar or soda bottle with the bottom cut off, and place it on the plant overnight. I have sprouted seeds in peat pots that go out during the day and in at night.
My grandma uses for her grows lol she said it works never tried said it cuts the bottom of them upSomeone said that small eggshells will keep them at a distance
I know some of u may think they are just snails but i also don t wan t to hurt them even if they don t really feel painMy grandma uses for her grows lol she said it works never tried said it cuts the bottom of them up
I know some of u may think they are just snails but i also don t wan t to hurt them even if they don t really feel pain
egg shells will work to an extebnt, but ive seen a slug move across the sharp end of a razor blade, best going for the sacrficial lettice leafSomeone said that small eggshells will keep them at a distance
I have to start plants very small outside. I use window screen to cover a 5 gal bucket. Yes, i grow in 5 gal bucket outside. This has worked great and allows plant to get some size so large plant eating bugs and mammals cant eat it. Spray homemade garlic spray all over bucket and surrounding area including plant. This repels deer, white flies, spider mites, etc. Hers is proof.I m worried that some little animal or a bird wil eat my seedling