planting directly in the soil

egg shells will work to an extebnt, but ive seen a slug move across the sharp end of a razor blade, best going for the sacrficial lettice leaf
notso funny, it was one of the better growers on here, it was a video he had on his post, the slug slowly moved over the sharp side/edge
If the soil is warm enough you can plant right in the ground. That said, you will have to plant several times the number of plants you want. I plant almost all my seeds in aluminium baking trays, then put in cups as soon as they sprout. Two to three weeks in a cup will cut the number of dead seedlings down by a huge amount.

Covering them with some sort of hardware cloth for a couple three weeks will save a lot more of them. The first week or two is when varmints will root them up just because of freshly turned soil.

But seeds are free. Sow away if that's what you want.