Planting germinated seeds!!


Hi all woke up this morning to a nice surprise my seeds have germinated and have a tap root of about 1cm....

Ok so i am going to plant them now in a seedling tray for about 1 week and then transplant them to the main grow pots 10 litres.

Ok it is 1140 BST. And i intend to plant them in next hour considering i want the lights running 6am to midnight during veg growth, is it ok just to have them on for 12 hours today off until 6am and then they come on for the 18/6??

i am using a 600w HPS and suggestions to height i should put away from germinated seeds i have heard a metre.?



Well-Known Member
roger that, Houston.................T-60 minutes and counting. don't make this difficult; plant the fookin' seed. don't count hours and minutes........IMO


HAHA, thanks for the heads up i just didnt want to affect the cycle by running the lights for 12 hours the 1st day..


New Member
man that 600 watt might cook them seedlings id start them under a fluorescent or something smaller than 600 watt hps at least untill they get a little bigger so you dont fry them


hmmmm... spent over £2000 on a setup & never got a CFL cant really budget for it considering electric cost also... what height can i safely put the 600 at?


New Member
id star out high as you can go then lower it a little at a time, but a cfl light s like 3 bucks and uses barely any power to run.


Active Member
CFL bulb 23/26 watt equiv. to a 100 watt reg bulb

just read the boxes and get 6500k color or in the 5k color for veg

pretty simple and its a great start if you dont got a dimmable ballast


Well-Known Member
See if you run something like a 600 you have to keep it away from the plants so they don't burn, yet keeping it away too far will stretch them so run something a lot less hotter, I like 400 watt mh's they don't really get that hot and seem to do well so far.