planting in ground vs. in pot


Active Member
Okay so I was wondering what you guys think the advantages and disadvantages of growing ina pot & in the ground.

i grew in a pot outdoors last year and got a pretty decent crop, but i mean there's endless space in the ground so i'm sure it could grow much larger in the ground.
but bugs? i'm sure that would be a much bigger problem. plus i'm not sure how i'd force 12/12..
maybe put a trash can over them?
im not sure.
what do you thinnnnnnk?


James Bond

Well-Known Member
You seem to already have hit the positive to growing in the ground, room for roots. I would say your bug problems are just as bad in a pot outside as in the ground. The only disadvantage to growing in the ground I can think of is ease of plant transport. If your gonna grow in the ground I would just as soon expect to leave it until flowering season outdoors.


Active Member
pots are defintely better because you have the advantage of transportation. and if your not stupid you will get a big enough pot so the roots have enough room

Kief Chief

Well-Known Member
im bout to grow outdoors and my bitches are going into the earth were they belong homie. save the pots for indoors


Well-Known Member
If you won't need to move them and you want to grow big trees, plant in the ground at the start of the season and let it go until it naturally finishes in the fall/early winter. Dig the biggest hole you can manage, massive, and fill with mixed earth and potting soil and cow crap and whatever else you want. Make it fluffy and relatively light, mix it well. You'll get monsters if you plant the right strain like mango.

Anything else, any quick plants you want to grow outside like some autoflowers which finish regardless of light schedule just use pots.

All the risks are the same outdoors whether it's in a pot or not.