So I currently have a bunch of plants vegging under 18/6 indoors, and I'm getting ready to transplant them outdoors. I live in New England, so I want to be able to harvest by early to mid-October before it gets too cold. The plants I have are all bagseed and about 6 inches tall, yet on their seventh node. They are in 6 inch round pots, and roots are coming out the bottom. My question is if I want them to harvest by mid October at the latest, do I need to put them in pots so I can move them indoors in the evening to begin flowering in late July? Or will they do this around that time period naturally? Also, if I do 5 gallon buckets, will I lose yield compared with being grown in the ground? This will be my first outdoor grow, and if I have to sacrifice yield for fully developed buds I am willing to do so.