planting pattern to avoid detection outdoors


Active Member
First time outsider here-should i use a certain pattern when placing my clones outside? These are BUBBLEGUM. I have tons of acres to work with. Are there certain distances or patterns you place them? I would think it doesn't matter but since ill have precise gps i thought someone might have a good idea on plants per acre or bunching whether it be general or specific.


Well-Known Member
Plant them in an paisley pattern. Maybe a nice plaid. If you have acres, why can't you just grow thousands? What type of acreage are we talking? What is the landscape? Who's land it is? Your's, farm land, forest, random garden of eden, boggy marsh, etc. Give some details and we will drop the serious science. Word.:hump:
Also, contrary popular belief, tie-dye is a coloring process and not a pattern, so please do not try to plant in a tie-dye pattern or the plants will swirl into a vortex of a "Steal your Face.":joint:


Active Member
Well thanks for someone responding so quickly. Technically I could grow thousands but thats the type of info i dont have. How to do so. The property is mostly young dense forest. Lots of openings. Creeks. Fresh springs. Not my property but a close friends. I have year round permission on the property for camping and fishing. About 900 acres. Rolling hills of forest valleys.most trees thin some older none huge. some great sun spots opening's. I only have 100 clones to work with now but also have seeds im willing to use for a good idea if there are some good patterns to use spacing these numbers apart efficiently.


Well-Known Member
when i use to plant outdoors, we did 8 seeds per grouping. (after pulling males, it was close to 4 a group.) we spaced them about 2 Ft apart. if using clones, try 4 or 5 per group, so if someone stumbles into a grouping, they get all happy they found 4 or 5, the take those and run, most people dont think to keep looking. they think you dropped seeds, when you rolled a joint. we use to try to keep groupings at least 50 Ft apart, close enough to keep track of, but far enough to not be able to see 1 group from the next. if you do more per group, try to keep under 10 per group. the more per group, the more chance of them being spotted.


Active Member
Do a giant smiley face + a joint coming out of the mouth

I wana do this with a med card so bad lolol

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I still say that if you spell out the word "TOMATOES" it'll fool 'em every time. I mean, have you ever heard of anyone who did this getting busted? Ever see a single news story about cops busting a patch where the plants spelled out the word "TOMATOES"? Huh? Did you?

OK. I rest my case!


Well-Known Member
If it were me I would put A plant in 1 spot and another in another spot never kepping 1 next too the other. this is how helicopters see your shit.4 plants growing next to each other,yea its more work checking on them because there scattered,and not all in 1 location.get some chicken wire and paint it the same colar as the background the plants are sitting inn.with that much willderness the animals will eat your shit.good luck with the gorilla grow.


Well-Known Member
Dont put them in any patterns! if you put your plants in a pattern it is unnateral and can be spoted easily from the air. Dont plant in rows or circles you can put 5 or so plants all together so they look like just one tree or bush.