Planting q


Active Member
Can i put fem germed seeds that have been put under t5 lighting till they r clone size straight in 15L pots to veg or do i do it the other way? , i donot have a mother to clone off, and do NOT want to wait 1 - 2 months before i had a plant to clone off, not sure HELP dont no wot to do

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
dang those some big sized pots . . . .but ya as long as you dont over water or over feed, planting into final pot right away if you have space is the way to do it


Active Member
Hi am planting 60 - 70 so thats y im using 15L pots what size pot do i use first , would u say only want to veg 2-3 wks max , Q mate y cant u plant in 15 L pots from the off and water only a small amount , untill u have decent root structure, so not to have over saturated pots which i know y its a prob? is it poss r do you have to be a pro to do it that way, cos im no pro? lol


Active Member
If you are using seeds you want to grow them a bit, they wont reach maturity for around 3 months which means if you flower before then you wont get the full potential from them.
If you are in a rush you should put a couple of your strongest aside in a separate veg room to clone from for future grows. And i agree with previous posters put them into final pot so they have more time to recover nicely from the transplant before you flower them.


Active Member
sorry confused did u mean veg from seed for 3 months to get full potential or entire grow? i want to do 60- 70 all together start to finish what ever method possible needed without clones, if at all poss


Active Member
Yeah i mean veg for 3 months, this will bring the plant to sexual maturity from seed. You will see the first 2 little white stamens at a node on the main stem in females this is the sign shes ready for flowers.
I may be wrong about 3 months but from what i remember its around this time. You can still flower before then but they wont be as good. It would be like a 8 year old girl getting pregnant, there is much more chance the baby would be premature or have birth defects etc


Active Member
Just think of a natural cycle in nature for the plant. the seed germinates grows over summer and flowers when the days get short. nature knows best :)


Active Member
c ya point but im not growing outside im under 8000 w hps lights i no in an ideal world ud veg a mother then take clones but the way your suggesting is that like 5, 6 months a crop fk thats way to much time isnt it, if the feminised seed genetics r stable surely u can do better than that. need a second, third opinion com ON R.I.P get your 10 p`s worth.


Active Member
8000w! thats mean lol. Feminised seeds are usually just from hermo plants that are fertilized its no big scientific breakthrough. Im not suggesting a way im just saying if you flower them before they are mature your buds will most likely be not as good, im sure they will still be great but not the best possible from that plant. This is why most indoor growers prefer clones because they are basically the same age as the mother but with a fresh root system and outdoors with seed you would plant asap usually to get the full season. You might want taller pots aswell rather than wide because the plants should have a taproot being from seed


Well-Known Member
youre planting 60-70 fem seeds? look out for uneven growth and hermie action. growing multiple seeds indoors is A LOT more work than cloning from a mother. make sure to find a very stable strain


Active Member
r fk my worst nightmare im glad for the input because im not a seasoned grower, uneven growth and hermie`s , no thanks spending a small fortune so i want it to be a good investment. i`ve contacted bomb seeds about fem genetics of the CLUSTER BOMB. To c wot they say. Maybe i should just grow 2, 3 mothers instead, trying to cut corners to save time. REALLY am un sure now thought i had most bases covered so much to think about its like a full time JOB. LOL


Well-Known Member
r fk my worst nightmare im glad for the input because im not a seasoned grower, uneven growth and hermie`s , no thanks spending a small fortune so i want it to be a good investment. i`ve contacted bomb seeds about fem genetics of the CLUSTER BOMB. To c wot they say. Maybe i should just grow 2, 3 mothers instead, trying to cut corners to save time. REALLY am un sure now thought i had most bases covered so much to think about its like a full time JOB. LOL
sure is a fulltime job! but if you find good genetics it might still work.
did it with 50 fem seeds, got 1 full blown hermie 2 poor genetics (super sensitive to everything) but other than that it worked just fine.

my only big problem was uneven growth. some phenos stretched like a motherfucker and some diddnt.
i gues you might be able to dodge the problem if you get almost full indica plants (mine was 50/50 hybrids) tho i was growing SOG style so it might not be the same for you :P. you have a lot more controle while LST+ topping imho.

i made sure to not use to high EC values since when dealing with lots of phenos it aint easy when they all have their own preferences.

try looking for a strain that is known to have phenos that are almost copies.

while having to do a bit more work, i still like the idea. Having multiple phenos all plants have their own vibe even if same strain. imo, you can enjoy the weed longer since if will always be a new experience :).


Active Member
Got a email back from BOMB SEEDS


If these are being cultivated in a legal location you will find that these are well stabilised and you should get good uniformity across 10 plants. If you are looking to commercially grow 50+ plants you may find a more sativa hybrid phenotype that is a bit more cerebral which is a throwback to its Cinderella roots.
For the height, this is based on 600w-1000w per square meter indoor in soil and an 8 week veg time.
If you are planting in 15L pots you run the risk of the plants becoming root bound but having them that close together is no problem as it will turn in to a form of SOG grow.
We hope that this helps.

Bomb Seeds Team


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  • er0senin

    thanks for the reply all good info still not sure now which root to go down now LOL, IM still going to try 60 - 70 nothing ventured nothing gained



Well-Known Member
you mean how much nutes you need to buy for the whole grow?
i use Gold Label A+B soil + some ULTRA PK and sometimes ULTRA MG.
Reason for using Gold label is that its very concentrated in comparence to other (canna biobizz etcetcetc) so it will last for long and also plants react very good to it! Also it gives the bud a very nice taste!