Planting weed everywhere in public


Well-Known Member
My friends and I have planted seeds all over the SFV.
We planted them at the L.A. River, in the movie studios,
in the planters above the tables in Carl's Jr., in the parking
lot mediums in big shopping complexes etc....
lot of fun!



Well-Known Member
It's a nice idea, but the problem is if enough people do it the government will start wasting more tax dollars then necessary to tear them all down. The of course the punishment for possession of seeds will become more severe.

For some reason the gov, likes to waste time and money in doing the impossible, such as the genocide of plant.


Well-Known Member
Planting weed in plain sight!

What will those crazy kids across the big pond think of next ?
Not to burst your bubble but my weed smoking friends and I were doing that in Mr.Greenwoods horticulture class in the 10th grade and that was 1973 !


Well-Known Member
Yes, male plants could cause issues for outdoor growers, and breeding everything to random hybrids could also be an issue... but the legalization movement is more important, and like the article says once it's all done these activists will just melt back into the background and continue with life. Who knows, maybe wild cannabis everywhere will help the bee population which is getting critical from what I've heard.


Well-Known Member
Yes, male plants could cause issues for outdoor growers, and breeding everything to random hybrids could also be an issue... but the legalization movement is more important, and like the article says once it's all done these activists will just melt back into the background and continue with life. Who knows, maybe wild cannabis everywhere will help the bee population which is getting critical from what I've heard.
What if it's the wild cannabis that's killing off the bees?


Well-Known Member
There's wild cannabis all over the area around South Bend, Indiana. They used to have a large rope-making industry there.