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im using a 150w HPS plus 8 CFL a few fans,intake,exhaust,one for cooling light,another on plants 24/7.temps 75-78 at night.80-86 day.Humidity is border of dry and normal.always sinks to dry when lights r on,54% when night.IT IS DRY IN THER THOUGH i knw that.(checking for humidifier)
jacks classics nutes,CALMag,Superthrive.Im doing Lst on lower branches.
PIC #1-notice the back leave how its flipped and dark/skinny???
Pic 2-see how its flipped all crazy,my leaves feel dry and papery to touch..???
pic3-Pineapple Thai-top half looks droopy and new fan leaves look dead and dry to me.
pic4top half of new fan leaves.NOTICE how ther wilted kinda and dried out kinda
pic5 Headbands new fan leaves,kinda drooping inward,dont feel dry though to me.
pic6 headband leaves are curling
pic7close pic of Pineapple thai new fan leave.
pic8 headband
pic9 pineapple thai
pic10 I BELIEVE I HAVE CALCIUM AND MAG DEF..............?!?!Please help if u knw
so i gave my plants 3 cups of that mix up ther,jacks,super,calmag.and didnt notice water fall into ther trays(never have)so i believe they have been searching for water.I waited a day and fed them two more.NO water in trays.and i noticed today taht the pineapple had appearded to suck up alot of the water.(sides of pots had sucked).
that was the most water ive fed them at once...jst not sure why leaves look like that.KINDA BUMMED how they arent healthy looking.
thanx for the help guyz
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