Plants 32 days from seed, small and spindly. Advice needed.

I'd like to apologize in advanced for the poor picture quality, I will try to post better pics tomorrow. Anyways, 32 days ago I placed 5 Holland's Hope (a indica dominant/sativa hybrid) seeds in soil, they emerged after about 7 days, it has now been a month and they are only about 4 to 5 inches tall and are very skinny as you can see in the attached pictures. I have two questions.

First of all, is there anything I can do to help these guys? The weather has been horrible here since winter. It has actually been one of the coldest and wettest Springs ever recored in Oregon, with everyday being overcast practically. We did have a few days of good weather last week, and the plants loved it and grew more than any other period. They only had one set of serrated leaves before hand and within 24 hours there was a second set with three leaves. Then, of course, the bad weather came back.

So like I said, I am just wondering if there is anything I can do to help these these plants, or if there appears to be any other problem with them besides lack of sun. Or are these plants so small and spindly this late in the season that they're doomed?

My other question is about food. Are these guys to young to start fertilizing? Most people say 2 weeks is when to start using ferts, but the plants seem so undeveloped, I am skeptical I should. I have Jack's Classic Dynamic Duo, vegetative and bloom fertilizers, so I am wondering what are the indicators to start using it, and then the frequency/dosage.

Thanks for your time, I genuinely appreciate any help and thoughtful advice.


Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
use some cover for them Greenhouse style the humidity with light diffuse will be a vacation spot for them. Like Milk jugs cut in half with the top open for air or some slits in the side to vent as not to make an oven, more like a tropical oasis.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
NO FOOD Till they beg for it. No at least a month at 1/4 strength Pale will be evident when they are hungry