Plants are budding or are they Hermes?

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So yeah this is my first grow. I just got back from the lake last night when my lights were off. They have been on 12/12 for abou..... 15-16 days. Cant remember gonna have to chek. Oh well. I uploaded pics on my photobucket. The URL is in my sig so check them out and let me know. It looks like their budding to me. Feminized white widow.


Well-Known Member
Too early to tell with those pics..I couldn't see any that were close up enough. Give it another day or two and you should be able to see for yourself as the number of hairs showing increases quickly at first.

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Alright cool. They look to me just like... Little pollen sacks. God man I put a lot of time and effort into these let's hope they don't go Michael Jackson on me.

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I just sent more pics. They'll be uploade in about 3 minutes. Chek em out. I cut a branch off took some pics. Let me know if I should cut em down.

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So I must have given them to much stress. Because their feminised and I see hairs all over. And they showed female pistols for their sex.


Well-Known Member
Female hairs first start to show at each internode...where the branches meet the stem. They will be very obvious...about 1cm long by the time they stop growing. Are you sure you aren't looking at the very tiny hairs that cover both male and female plants? Leave any plants which don't show the balls in that close up photo. If it were female there would be a single hair 1cm for each of those ball sacks.

It probably wasn't stress. It was probably a male seed. That is why you were asked where you got the seed. Reputable seed companies do occasionally get male plants from fem seeds, but not very good to know what company the seeds are from.


Ok just re-read your last post. How did you sex them, and how long ago did you see these female pistils before the balls started showing? Do all your plants look like that or just one.,..

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It was 3/5 of tem and I turned te light off for 36 hours to trigger flower. And 3 days later I get these balls. I thought that those little pistol looking things in between te nodes 2 of them come out. I thought that was sign of female sex. I guess it's different idk