Plants are dieing; should i clip off the dieing branches to refocus energy to viable?


hey all, ive come to the conclusion that my plants have faced serious life threatening root burn. i have had 1 and 1/2 plants die already, and i have many branches on the underside that are dieing & buds have stopped growing. im wondering, is it a good idea to clip off branches where growth has stoped, or branches have begun to die? or is this too much stress for the plant to deal with? my thought is that if i clip some of the dieing branches, more energy can in turn be focused to the buds which appear to be doing OKAY. these plants will likely never reach full flower period because i think they will die first, but, i want to know what you guys think.

thanks in advance for any input. let me reiterate as i have done in all my other posts, that i am within my legal limit. thanks!


Well-Known Member
sounds like you're over nuting to me.

what are you using.. how old are the plants.. too many variables to be 100% accurate on where to start to give advice.
Sight unseen, to me sounds like you're burning your plants, but how to fix it, again, until someone knows what the variables you are using are, no one can help.. are you in soil or hydro? What's your PH? What lights are you using? temps?

What else can cause lower leaf burn and death.. guys?? anyone else help?
You see what I'm getting at.

You are asking - is it ok to cut off dieing branches.... I get that.
Can you? Yes. It's called lolly popping.. a really good technique for getting bigger main colas, I do it and it works amazingly well!

But to tell you yes or no doesn't matter if other factors are what is killing your plant.

What's root burn? I assumed you meant nute burn.. but if it's something I haven't heard of, then I'm always interested in learning something new.

And're within your legal limits of what? I'm sorry, I must have not seen any of your other 16 posts, so does that mean you are a legal grower? Cool.. put it in your sig and let everyone know.. if it means something else.. I am just curious.


sounds like you're over nuting to me.
ive already determined this

what are you using.. how old are the plants.. too many variables to be 100% accurate on where to start to give advice.
4 months old or so

Sight unseen, to me sounds like you're burning your plants, but how to fix it, again, until someone knows what the variables you are using are, no one can help.. are you in soil or hydro? What's your PH? What lights are you using? temps?

What else can cause lower leaf burn and death.. guys?? anyone else help?
You see what I'm getting at.

You are asking - is it ok to cut off dieing branches.... I get that.
Can you? Yes. It's called lolly popping.. a really good technique for getting bigger main colas, I do it and it works amazingly well! .
are you just saying this for the sake of saying this? i said my plants are 2 weeks from finish, isnt that more of something you plan for starting at or before the beginning of flower?

But to tell you yes or no doesn't matter if other factors are what is killing your plant.

And're within your legal limits of what? I'm sorry, I must have not seen any of your other 16 posts, so does that mean you are a legal grower? Cool.. put it in your sig and let everyone know.. if it means something else.. I am just curious.
im a legal grower, whatever you want to say


Well-Known Member
ive already determined this

Then why are you asking? Quit wasting our time.

4 months old or so

Sight unseen, to me sounds like you're burning your plants, but how to fix it, again, until someone knows what the variables you are using are, no one can help.. are you in soil or hydro? What's your PH? What lights are you using? temps?

What else can cause lower leaf burn and death.. guys?? anyone else help?
You see what I'm getting at.

are you just saying this for the sake of saying this? i said my plants are 2 weeks from finish, isnt that more of something you plan for starting at or before the beginning of flower?

Hey asshole.. go read your original post.. where do you say 2 weeks from anything? I assumed you were still in veg because you didn't say otherwise.. and why the fuck would you cut off branches when you are 2 weeks from finishing? So I was saying it to give you advice.. which is what you asked for fucktard. You were asking if it's ok to cut off branches that were dying.. I said it was.. But why are your plants dying? There are a ton of reasons why it could be happening.. I was trying to help figure out what it could be but unless I, or others know your situation.. where do we begin to help?

So I said all that to help answer what you asked. If that's not what you meant.. learn to ask more intelligent questions.

But to tell you yes or no doesn't matter if other factors are what is killing your plant.

im a legal grower, whatever you want to say
Whatever I want to say about what??? I asked you what you meant about putting something in all your posts.. I don't care about going through your post history...No one cares if you're legal or not.. you came out here for help.. you get it whether you are legal or not. You're an idiot. Like being legal means shit. The cops can still kick down your door same as mine. You can still get your crop raided, go to jail for the night.. you will likely get off because of the "legal" aspect.. but I can grow enough to pay a good lawyer and walk too.. so get off yer high horse.


Well-Known Member
lets calm down guys we are all in this together cant we just grow together

i grow in soil and if plants are in soil id flush good then lighten up on nutes as a start

what week you in and what is flower time
