Plants are drooping. Idk what it is help!


So I'm growing pineapple chunk from seed they are about 1 1/2 months in veg (18-6 light cycle) in 5 gal smart pots. I'm using a 1000 watt MH. Using CO2 temps range from 72-83 degree Fahrenheit. I have overfed them once or twice so I have that down but they started to droop again the only thing that changed recently is I got new fans and shut my exhaust off. I turned it bak on. Here are some pics. Can someone give me some advice? Thanks

Soil is mix of fox farm ocean forest and HP pro mix
PH is between 6.5-7



Soil looks a little dry, but that's hard to judge from a pic. New growth looks good, no burning on leaf edges, and no obvious yellowing beyond a small amount on lower leaves. Please be aware I am very new to this forum, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Assuming watering is not an issue, it could be that your plant's foliage has outgrown the root system. That should self correct. I wouldn't panic yet!


New Member
Looks like they just woke up , its normal at night for them to droop a little , but as stated the soil looks dry .. Either way those should perk up and seek light soon


Active Member
Yes like potsnob said they are just sleeping! Some MJ need to switch off, i had some under 24h light and they showed this drooping leaves and they perked back few hours later for no obvious reason!So i switch them to the gas lantern cycle and they love it! I found that MJ plants are all very different, some like lots lots of light and others much less, so it is good to adjust, you can fine tune a pheno to thrive.


Thanks everyone it's funny cause when it's about 3-4 hrs before the night cycle they start to droop but when they start the day again they start o perk up. I was probably just worried for no reason but thanks for the advice