Plants are droopy and shriveling - 20% Humidity


Active Member
Here are some photos of my setup. 600 w hps, 2x2 ebb/flow, 20% Humidity. Ph seems to be normal and I've kept it like that. The problems started when I switched to the HPS and I wonder if the humidity dropped when I switched. If I recall the humidity was 35% before the hps.:confused:


Well-Known Member
600 watts in a 2x2 is your problen you could be running a 150 in ther

humidity should be like 50-60 untill last 2 weeks flower

temp needs to stay in tha 70 and i dnt belive it is in a 2x2 room with all that heat its really a waste you should have a 4x4 or 5x5 room with that light

where are the pics

i got one in a 2x2 room aswell its my mother room but i been veging in ther
chk it out


Active Member
Sorry about that. Also, what I meant to say it I'm using a 2x2 tray not a room that is 2x2. I use to use a 4x2 tray and I tend to go overboard with the watts. I figure give them as much light as possible. Keep the nugs tight as possible. I've been thinking of getting a 400 watter. I just checked and i'm at 80.2 F and 20% Humidity.


Well-Known Member
My problem is with the droopy plants. ?
i would get that humidity up and chk your watering schedual i have only done soil areo and dwc so i cn only help a little but first thing get your environment right 20% is stressfull

does it get worse as the day goes on and bounce back after a good nap


Active Member
I thought I saw a pos response when I changed the reservoir to pure h20 and then it flooded first thing in the am.


Well-Known Member
if your in the states you could go to cvs and get the vicks vapor jawn fill it with water leave out the vicks med stuff and plug er in it will get that humidity right up just point it away from your light maybe even rais the light up a lil

other than that, i can't help ya... i did hydro for the last year with great results but im back in soil now and lovein it again

get the humidity up and post a q in hydro section if it doesn't help

i got nuthin