Plants are dying ... Not sure if i should end it and start over... please help


Active Member
Ok so im 3 weeks and 1 day into my 3rd grow... my first time using autoflowering seeds... and literally these things have not worked well since i bought em... its been a rough 3 weeks and im not sure whats the call to make here... i water them every 4 days and idk what to do... its an Afghan Kush Ryder plant... going 20/4 every day .... but they just look horrible... not sure if i should transplant them into the 5 gallon smart pots... and hope they fix them selfs ... please any advise would be nice... IMAG0317.jpgIMAG0319.jpgIMAG0318.jpgIMAG0320.jpg


Well-Known Member
The yellowing and droopy leaves says over watering. Don't start over, let them dry out and see how they do.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Why start over? Then you've learnt nothing. Seems bit ore sensible to keep at them and learn what is required to fix them. Else you might just be starting over for your next 10 grows due to never having learnt to mend your plants problems. Having plant issues is a GOOD thing, it gives you experience and knowledge for the next time things crop up.


Have you been giving then nutrition, like blood meal? Yellowing leaves can happen when too much nitrous. Also its time for bigger pots, for as far along as they are, there ready for some root room in there and closer light.


Well-Known Member
Check your Ph
What nutes are you using?
They look like you love them to much. "Over watering"
My advise is to transplant them into some 2 gal fabric pots. This will help with your over watering and give you a better root system.



Well-Known Member
poke holes in your soil, away from you tap root, id say stay away like 2 inches to avoid any damage to the roots. remember this is beneficial, they need air right now, possibly even a pH adjustment and proper nutrients. they usually need nutes around this time, id feed 1/4 strength of whatever you have, look up feeding schedules. if you havent bought nutes i would recommend organics(ewc, high N guano if your trying to veg).


Well-Known Member
Have you been giving then nutrition, like blood meal? Yellowing leaves can happen when too much nitrous. Also its time for bigger pots, for as far along as they are, there ready for some root room in there and closer light.
Lmfao! too much nitrous


Well-Known Member
get them the heck outa them cups lol. Put em in larger pots and you will be amazed. Roots need room to grow, looks like your ph is off causing lockout. Them being so small I highly doubt its a nitrogen deficiency. It has to be total nute lockout from overwatering and improper ph'd water.


Well-Known Member
First things first, those ladies are drenched. Let em dry out then transplant and ease up on the watering. Rule of thumb here, let them dry until the container is light but not bone dry then give em water till you see about a ten percent run off. Then do a feed, feed, water regimen. Should do the trick.



Oh damn my bad ....hahahah been playing way too much Mid night club........all I can think of is NOS hahahaha
Ok a few tips to starting your plants off. I found that when I first started I showed my plants way to much attention. Always thinking that there was a problem I had to fix. This leads to over water , underwater, to much or not enough nutes , blah blah blah. You know what I mean? Anyways always remember that you are dealing with a weed that will grow pretty much on its own given soil, sun, water. That being taken into consideration everything else that you do to make the plant grow better is extra and can be to much or to little. It is most important that you start with what is natural for the plant, no more, no less. #1. Horse manure mixed with your local dirt at a 50/50 mix should hold your plants all through veg without adding nutes. Just pH your water to 7 and ad it to soil. Keep the lights a regular routine not to close not to far. For your plants I advise you to start over. Not with new plants but new mediums for growing. Doing it the right way take your time and get what you need. Always wait till your soil is dry at least 2 inches down or you see fatigue or change in the plant. The plant will show you when it needs attention. Just let it grow until it shows change then fix the problem.You heard the saying " Do not fix what is not broken ?" Thats stands true with plants. Nor cal.


Well-Known Member
Sry for butting in. I kinda have same problem. My bottom leaves always seem to die. I use biobizz soil, and start feeding after aweeks or, or at the first time of yellowing. I feed correctly before it gets worse but this seems to be no good at all. My grow tent can get very hot, drying the soil out 24hrs later, so I water every day. There young, u think planting into bigger 2gal pota would help? Let roots grow more.


Well-Known Member
Sry for butting in. I kinda have same problem. My bottom leaves always seem to die. I use biobizz soil, and start feeding after aweeks or, or at the first time of yellowing. I feed correctly before it gets worse but this seems to be no good at all. My grow tent can get very hot, drying the soil out 24hrs later, so I water every day. There young, u think planting into bigger 2gal pota would help? Let roots grow more.
check the bottoms of your pots before you water, everyday watering is ridiculous(only time i find it acceptable is if you have low humidity and your growing in starter pellets) and theres almost no way they couldnt have some water sitting at the bottom. hold your pots before and after watering, maybe even fill up a cup the same size with soil to know how heavy it is when dry. dont over feed, at about 3 weeks they need probably 1/2-1/4 of what they prefer(some feeding schedules fit in seedlings(they call the saplings usually), i still cut the feeding to half though.