Plants are dying (yellow leaves)!


Active Member
Okay, so it's been about a week since my first leaves began getting yellow.

Now, a week later, this is how they look:

Now, I was told that this isn't a problem because it's just the bottom leaves, but now..

The top leaves are yellowing too!

Look at this little tiny leaf.. it's yellow!

Things I've tried:

- I repotted them in much larger pots.
- I fed them 20-20-20 about 5 days ago (1/4 teaspoon per 1 liter water)
- I sprayed them with Epsom Salt about 4 days ago (1/4 per 1 liter water)

I don't know what else to try!

If it's not Magnesium deficiency.. what else could it be?

Please help me!

Thank you.


PLease check your nutes. You may have a low nitrogen content in them.
Check also your ph.
What strain are you growing by the way?


Well-Known Member
Just my opinion but I think you fixed the problem already bud. You did good with the epsolm and 20-20-20 feeding. That new growth coming in looks good. IDK again just my .02cents.


Active Member
Just my opinion but I think you fixed the problem already bud. You did good with the epsolm and 20-20-20 feeding. That new growth coming in looks good. IDK again just my .02cents.
Then why is that new leaf turning yellow..?

I'm using just regular tap water, btw.


Well-Known Member
Is that coco? how many times have you fed it? It should be fed with hydro veg nutes every watering at this stage as coco has almost nothing in it. A one off hit of flowering nutes wont fix it.