Plants are kinda short


I have had 4 plants vegging for 8 weeks under 4- 4 foot florescent 40watt cool white and 4wide spectrum 40 watt 4- footers and the last 4 weeks with 6- 68 watt cfls = to 300 watt 2700k 4200 lumen's per light all of my plants look nice and healthy but the tallest one is only 1 foot tall it is bag seed so I do not know what kind it is is that to short should I vegg longer any help I will appreciated


Active Member
Hey chuncee....mines been vegging for 8 weeks also and they range from 8" to 13" but heck they are bushy...i got purple kush in organic foxfarm oceanfloor. I got the same lights but mines are 32watts X 4. And also i think they are kinda short even though i have been topping the heck out of them, 3 X already. I am new to this but i think you got some indicasand they are suppose to be short. You know, its kinda strange not sure of what you are growing but hey its a free country. Oh you shouldspecify if your doing soil and what your using, these people can be helpful if they know what you got even though the type of strain is a mystery.


Active Member
I don't know flows too well but depending on the your 1' = 3' when done. After about the 2-3rd wk. of flower they really take off.
I would think you guys wanna flip soon, age of the plant after a point is a real factor in wether you finish well. Size is nothing, 1 foot is perfect. Think Nascar...flip the lights, keep it full of gas & get out of the way.
They don't want your love, just your stuff. Listen to no one til you've explored the site. Click on the chick for some pix.


Well-Known Member
your plants wont be as big as others you see because the lights u have just aint putting out as many lumens as you would get from a hps set up. you said you have been vegging for 8 weeks or has it taken 8 weeks to sprout from seed go through seedling stage and then start vegging? any how if your using cfls its best to keep them short so i would flip now if the tallest is a foot tall its fine to flip. plants will double to triple in size in the first 2-3 weeks of flower they have a vigorous growth spurt in this stage. i would reccomend some lst or maybe a scrog to keep the lights a close as poss to the tops and get maximum amount out. if you let them get too tall the bottom branchs just will not produce very much because they simply wont be getting enough light. hope this helps peace


Well-Known Member
supersoul if you been topping the hell out your plants they wont be getting taller too quick because topping stunts vertical growth temporarily and sends the hormones down so they branch out more hence why they are really bushy....


I have topped mine more than 3 times maybe as much as 5 or 6 and I am growing in soil this is my first herb grow but I have had a green thumb for ever lots of house plants thanks for advice


Well-Known Member
topping is good and encourages new growth as u have found but go too crazy and your going to need alot of supports during flowering stage as when the buds start coming and weighing heavy the plant will struggle to support its self but easily solved with wire mesh or a scrog net any help i can give i will peace happy growing


Active Member
Shadow and the pics my 8 weeks old purple kush ranges from 7" to 13", they are in fox farm ocean floor. I have topped the tallest one 3X already and 1X on the smaller one. I am hoping to get the smaller one to catch up to the big one. So i can flower them all at the same time without creating another area that would take up more room. Noticed the small one dose not have much middle like the medium one. Will that grow out thick and strong if i put it into flowering? I actually think that all the branches on these plants look a little thin. I am currently reading on how to scrog properly. The tallest one has a long branch that has nothing in between, is that what they call stretching? Curious with you guys's experience in growing. What might the yield be? Oh i need to mention that i havent got the flowering lights yet, i need to get something in my budget that will cover the grow area and i am going to turn the cfl lights on the side so they will hit the plants mid area.DSC02734.jpg


Well-Known Member
there looking good yeah they will bush out even more in the first weeks of flowering they go mad and have a very vigourous growth spurt and the stems start to turn woody to support the weight but even so heavy buds start to strain so support is sometimes needed. are you running a good oscilating fan? this will really help thicken out and strengthen the stems.


Well-Known Member
and yeah the plant in the middle does look as though its stretching a little. some extra light and keeping the light at a good height is all key to stopping stretching but no real problem the others all look very healthy. i dont think you can beat having the good old fashioned hps for flowering


Active Member
Heck yeah you did a great job! Their ready to flower anytime. I run 400w hps w/1 to 3 plants....just as a ref., light = bud.
Watch the lanky one, bet it'll either be cool or's too different. You guys really need to get to flower or you're going to be sorry i fear.
With 10+ wks. of flower your plants are gonna be like 6 mo. old which is fine if you have the exp. to cope.


Active Member
I do have an oscolating fan going even though it seems to be blowing the big fan leaves up in the air, i still keep it running since i read about the importance of fresh air and circulations. Did you guys think even the littlest plant 7" with little middle leaves would be good enough to flower?? There are other plants 8", 2 x 9" that are a little bit bigger than her and looks almost the same size. As i had mention i want to flower them all at one time.


Active Member
Fan shouldn't beat them up too bad, just dancing alittle. I will flower anything between 6-12" because I don't want anything over 2' when done.
I don't want to talk you into anything cause every single grow is different & you've done so well.