plants are still small, dont seem to be growing...


okay guys i started my grow approximately 2 and a half-3 weeks ago. and my plants are still only a few inches long. they are pretty healthy looking (no burns or spots) but they dont seem to be growing much since i moved them inside. i have them in a closet under a nice grow light. walls are lined with the dull side of tin foil for reflection.

bulb specs: model28968, 2700k, 120v, 60hz, 68w 1.130A (no idea what most of that means)

this is my first grow and i dont have tons of money to buy an aeroponic system or else id just do that. just wondering if my plants are in danger of not growing at all. if that's the case i'll just put them outside and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Pics would help....but other than that how many plants are you growing under that one 68w? And what is the temp?

Really temp and lack of light can slow down your growth.
and get rid of tin foil I went to the dollar stoe and picked up one of then emergencie camping blankets much better for only a $1 it is 4 ft by 6'12 feet


i have 2 under the light. think i should keep the best looking one inside and move the other outside? and my boy used this light on a previous grow and it seemed to work pretty good. air flow is weak to none. i guess that's probably why

edit: as far as the light is concerned when we bought it we went to home depot and we asked the guy what the best indoor gardening light was and he swore up and down that this light was the best. temps gotta be around 75ish
yeah I would try to get a fan in there to circulate the air they will love ya for that, hope it help's im pretty green at this so far aswell but learning and trying new things everyday


^ i feel you bro ive been trying different shit off this forum every day. i deff need a fan but i cant find one in my house. still trying to keep this on the low from moms


Well-Known Member
we went to home depot and we asked the guy what the best indoor gardening light was and he swore up and down that this light was the best.
Grow lights at home depot are highly unlikely to be sufficient for growing large marijuana plants. His recommendation was based on other plants for which it would be sufficient.


oh okay i see, well good news on the light situation, in my search for a fan i found two huge lighting setups with bulbs in my basement. now i just gotta find another spot. think that cause my mom smokes butts in the house constantly and nicotene is harmful to cannabis this could also be stunting their growth? thanks for the helps guys, not easy trying to grow at 18


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the nicotine theory but what kind of light did the guy at home depot sell you?

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Id say ur problem is u went from sunlight to a 68w bulb, serious downgrade. Also wind is definitely necessary if u want ur plants to grow nice and strong. It helps with the process of transpiration. Which is how they breathe, eat, etc. So do urself a favor and get urself a oscillating fan from wally world and spend the extra on the metal model, trust me the cheap plastics will fuck up and they trap dust a lot more. They make smaller ones too in case u don't have room for the big one on the stand. Ur plants will thank u with vigorous growth and thick sturdy stems that will gladly hold buds up for ya until harvest. I would also suggest u get sum gwapo 2gether sumhow and get to home depot to buy a shoplight setup then get t5 adaptors from online with sum nice 6400k bulbs and this will all be a thing of the past. Or just get sum more 68watters one two or three isn't gonna cut it. If I were to ever do it that way which I wouldn't except to grow a male for pollen, I would use at least six after it has a few leave sets. Just my opinions takem or leavem.

Get it how u live,

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Also...u might not like this one either but, u might just wanna wait til ur out on ur own. Not tryin to be preachy but u are at least on ur way to college, right?


I grew under 10 23W CFLs and got 1.5OZ off two plants. You're gonna need more than 68W. Find an ingenious way to hook up that many CFLs in line to one outlet and you'll be in business. Do some reading around here for lighting and nutrients and you'll be amazed at what you learn. Just reading threads containing those two subjects will get you started on your way to your first OZ. Good luck


Id say ur problem is u went from sunlight to a 68w bulb, serious downgrade. Also wind is definitely necessary if u want ur plants to grow nice and strong. It helps with the process of transpiration. Which is how they breathe, eat, etc. So do urself a favor and get urself a oscillating fan from wally world and spend the extra on the metal model, trust me the cheap plastics will fuck up and they trap dust a lot more. They make smaller ones too in case u don't have room for the big one on the stand. Ur plants will thank u with vigorous growth and thick sturdy stems that will gladly hold buds up for ya until harvest. I would also suggest u get sum gwapo 2gether sumhow and get to home depot to buy a shoplight setup then get t5 adaptors from online with sum nice 6400k bulbs and this will all be a thing of the past. Or just get sum more 68watters one two or three isn't gonna cut it. If I were to ever do it that way which I wouldn't except to grow a male for pollen, I would use at least six after it has a few leave sets. Just my opinions takem or leavem.

Get it how u live,

i'm taking everything you and everyone says with respect. i'm just greatful for the insight. and no i'm not going to college. my mom knows that i'm growing plants but she isint too keen on me having a legit grow setup- ya know, something i could hide if i had to.

i actually have a lot of lights downstairs i can use, i think i'm just gonna try to pick a better spot so i can use my fan too. thanks for the help guys


I grew under 10 23W CFLs and got 1.5OZ off two plants. You're gonna need more than 68W. Find an ingenious way to hook up that many CFLs in line to one outlet and you'll be in business. Do some reading around here for lighting and nutrients and you'll be amazed at what you learn. Just reading threads containing those two subjects will get you started on your way to your first OZ. Good luck
thanks dude, i've been skimming around this forum for a little while but i still don't fully understand it all. i think it's more of a trial and error thing. it's not like i'm blowing hundreds here. i got some seeds and gave it a shot. i dont needa grow bud to get bud. i'm just trying something different. it's a cool hobby for me


I don't know about the nicotine theory but what kind of light did the guy at home depot sell you?
i posted all the info i knew about it in the OP, but it's one of those curly hallogen(sp?) bulbs like you would put in a lamp but huge. i helped my boy use it on a plant before and it worked pretty good. the plant was in pretty bad shape when we got it and on a fucked light schedule. plus i think the light was on for a 24 hour cycle. we got like 8gs

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Well if ur not goin to college fukit man find a way to do it big for a hard year and get the fuk outta dodge. Rinse and repeat, u dig. Dream big, mas house ain't where its at. There is a lotta places out there to see and it takes money to get their. Peace.

Gettin that gwala..hola,