plants are wilting in 20oz hempy

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Well-Known Member
I was wondering if someone could help me. I have been reading on here for a few months now and I can usually find what I am looking for. That's why this is my first post. I started some seeds little over a weeks ago in 1.5" rockwool cubes. They came up fine but I let them dry out except one. The one in question. So I put it in a cup about 4 days ago. When I found out that they died i put more seeds in. They came up fine and put them in cups 2 days ago 3 blueberry gum and 2 LSD the lsd look good but the blueberry gum ( one is really wilted and one is starting.)

I water every day about 1-3 tsp in the middle and I pour more around the outside until it comes out the bottom. I am not giving them any nutes. Just ph water 5.8-6.1
The temp is 75-80 and Rh 47%-60% Lights are 6 2ft t5s about 1 -2 " above.IMG_2532.jpgIMG_2525.jpgIMG_2530.jpgIMG_2538.jpgIMG_2527.jpgIMG_2528.jpgIMG_2526.jpg




Well-Known Member
My guess is that they are drying out. Is that pearlite you have them in? If so they need water like on the hour. Pearlite won't hold water for long


Well-Known Member
you can back the lights off.. the 1-2" things is oldschool rule from the 70s.
Also, 1 tsp is not enough to be considered a watering... Try a cup a day or so.. and why are you using straight perlite?


Well-Known Member
Ya know, I just not a fan of your system there. first off, you have rockwool cubes that hold moisture too well if anything and then you have pearlite which is at the other extreme. seems to me that you are pushing both ends of the spectrum at the same time. What system are you ultimately going to be using? Are you going hydro or soil or what. I ask that because I think you need to modify your aproach to have a better success ratio cuzz right now you're suckin hind tit.
No offense.


Well-Known Member
Ok I will back the lights off another 2" I couldn't find vermiculite and I seen other grows with just perlite. I was worried about over watering do to the rockwool cubes.


Well-Known Member
what can I do better from here. any advise will be taken. I could order some vermiculite but worried about transplanting again.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Tommy. At the moment the lighting needs are minimal. as are the nutrient needs. What those plants need at the moment are a moist environment for the roots. Not too wet and not too dry. That's almost all it needs. Minimal light and a comfortable environment.


Well-Known Member
What system are you going to use ultimately. Or do you know? It's ok if you don't but it would help us help you if we knew


Well-Known Member
I am going to put them in 3 gal hempy buckets. I was going to bog the cups. I am using GH 3 part. I have a 600hps and a 4x4x5 1/2 for flowering and a 3x3x6 for veg. I have a flood and drain table in the flowering room now but do to height restrictions I want to go with the Hempy buckets.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well the pearlite is going to float so that is sort of incompatable with ebb and flow. You need to use something heavier than water like hydraton. Transplanting will be ok I think. Do you have "profuse roots" or no?


Well-Known Member
If you're wondering when the help comes and the questions end, don't worry, we're getting there


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if i confused you. The flood and drain table I have going right now in my flowering room and don't want to use it any more do to having height restrictions. This is my second grow. the first one was a mess plants grew more then I expected. I figure i can gain about another 12-18 inches by do hempy buckets. Here is my plan. Start off in the cups and then move into 3 gal hempy buckets for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Gotcha, and watering from the top? If that's so then you're only problem is getting the roots through the wet rockwool and into the airy pearlite. If I was starting from scratch I would make sure that you have a lot of roots protruding the rockwool so that most of the moisture is coming from the pearlite and not so much the rockwool. If not, the wet rockwool is going to be trying to drown them while the dry pearlite is preventing the roots from developing. The straight pearlite is fine, but being a real airy medium you will need to water a lot. Really a lot, or the roots will dry out. That can't happen or your plants are going to suffer or die. Right now it's tricky though due to the rockwool holding the water and trying to drown the roots. You need to play that fine art of watering perfectly or you will lose the plants. As soon as the roots pass beyond the rockwool you will be ok. Thus the question about "profuse roots"


Well-Known Member
after they sprouted I put them in a propagation tray with water and and air stone. I keep them in there until roots started to come out the bottom of the rockwool. there were not alot of roots but some.


Active Member
what can I do better from here. any advise will be taken. I could order some vermiculite but worried about transplanting again.
I have a 125 watt dual spectrum CFL set one foot above mine. Like these guys said, a little goes a long way with seedlings. If you're using rock wool why would'nt you just plant it into your hydro set up and if you're growing soil why did'nt you germinate and plant straight into soil? Just curious?220.jpgThis is mine at five days.


RIU Bulldog
I don't see any vermiculite in that 'hempy' mix of yours man. Traditional 'Hempy' mix is 3:1 perlite to vermiculite. You need the vermi in there to hold the water otherwise it's gonna dry out too fast. Another tip would be to wait until your plant has a bigger root system before you stick in the 'hempy' bucket. And finally, you HAVE to use hydroponic nutrients in Hempy buckets. H bucket growing is passive hydroponics, and organics seem to just cause problems.
Hempy, the guy who claims to have invented the process, is a member at Mr Nice Forums, maybe he could help you out a little more. Word of warning, he's a bit of a character....and that's putting it nicely.
Good luck.

edit: I only read the first post. I see you transplanted into soil. Don't give up on hempy, use what I gave you for next time. I tried a hempy bucket just to see how it worked, and I was amazed at how easy it really was and how fast the plants grew. It's a solid system.
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