Plants aren't drinking ...


Hi all.

I live in NorCal, and the temps outside are cooler, and it's pretty rainy.

I'm a newer grower, have always worked under or with someone else and this is my first time doing it on my own.

I've got Jack Herer growing in a room, and they look happy and healthy (after a few minor issues).

I'm concerned because my plants just aren't drinking. They're thirsty maybe once a week, or every 8 days. They also just turned over to flower this past sunday.

The humidity level is pretty high - 65-80% ... should I run a dehumidifier in there for a few hours to bring it down? Will this help with the drinking issue?

Also, a couple of my plants have leaves that are curling under. I know this is a sign of either being water logged or nute toxic. I don't know how they could be toxic, as they've barely been given any nutrients, as they haven't really been drinking, so I can't give them much.

Should I cut back the amount of water I give them when I do feed/water them?


Active Member
Sounds like perhaps the temps are a bit cold. Plants tend to not drink, and wilt when the root zone becomes too cold. Try insulating or raising the pots. Also get that humidity in check when you can. It's a bit high. With humidity that high plants also drink less because a lot of the energy conversion is done in the leaves. Hope I helped.


Thanks for responding!

Temps are actually ok - they're high 60s, low 70s.

I know plants drink less when it's cooler ... I'm more worried about the humidity.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
If plants don't transpire they don't need to drink as much.
If they don't drink they don't take up nutrients.
If the humidity is high (and 80% is very high) then the plants won't be transpiring much.
A dehumidifier will definitely help the situation, and there is no need to water them if they are not drinking - that's only asking for more problems.


cool. thanks for responding.

I've got a dehumidifier on them now, so hopefully I'll see them drinking in a day or so ..