Plants drying


Active Member
get a fan and if the roots have developed allot on the clones already dont water them as much. they look a little over watered and hot to me, just my opinion tho, couldnt say for sure.


Active Member
I agree they look over watered. And they do need a fan so they can breath. How would you enjoy it if you were soaked with lights inches away from you in a small room with no air circulation. That's how your plants feel. I had problems to start as well. Learning just takes time.


Active Member
thanks for the info.

alright i will try and get another fan in there cuz i did notice it was a bit hot in there but i dont get why it was good for 4 days then they decide to dry up.
and any1 know what those spots on the leaves are?

spanishfly, its not that i was repeating myself its that people kept viewing and not posting anything


Active Member
whoahhh.... Yeah man don't water those for the next 4 days at least I would say. It looks like a really bad case of over watering. when you over water the plants roots cant get oxygen and then growth stops.

To be honest though they're pretty dead looking.... I would start over at this point and remember to not over water or fertilize. Use fox farms ocean forest, or an organic, non time release soil with a low npk.