plants dying need help


Active Member
Have tried looking around the forums got an idea of what might be wrong but would to get a better answer by posting a couple pictures. it could possibly be they are just lacking a little in the nutes. They have been growing for about a 4 weeks there was only had a 50 watt light on them for about two weeks and had a couple more plants got rid of a couple and those are whats left. currently i have roughly 200watts right now in a mixture of t5's and t8's. One of the t5's is an acintic bulb and also 2 cheap walmart grow lights they put off a nice warm colored light they really seemed to like it at first and growth started to take off and then they started to droop and leaves started to curl under and turn yellow they make a v up the leaves. they begain to shink up gave them a good watering for the first time and had forgot to cut holes in the bottom of the cups so water sat in there for about two days fixed that problem then the top of the soil dried up and the plants started looking worse so i decided maybe they needed some nutes mixed a light solution of some miracle grow and watered and misted the leaves and then they just kept getting worse so if theres any way to save them or keep the others from ending up the same way would greatly apreciate it.
ps also tried the organic way of adding nitrogen mixed with 15 parts of water wasdesperate heard it works wonders so idk help me guys
also the plants that look the best they all just to look like that

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You have to stop with the nutes. They are too little. You have to give them a chance to grow a root system first. Your plants look over fertilized and over watered. The two most common noob mistakes. Over ferting causes deficencys and over watering causes root diseases. The burnt leaf tips show over feeding and the drooping is too much water. Plus MG is not good indoors, its too strong. The only thing that might work is to flush with florakleen or clerex or 3 times as much water as the pot size instead and then use water only till they recover. Then use a fert with a NPK of 10-10-10 for veg and 10-30-20 for flower. Start at 1/4 strenght and work your way up. Half strenght is usually good through veg then about 3/4 strenght for late flower. I never go full strenght it just causes problems in the long run and I start fertilizing at about 5-6 weeks with a very mild solution every other watering. Your soil could be a problem too if it doesnt drain properly. Good luck with your grow show!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I forgot to add. The best way to tell when to water is to pick up your pots and see how heavy they feel after you water. When you pick them up and they feel light its time to water again. The cups work but if you invest in some small pots they drain better and allow air to get to the soil on the bottom so it dries more evenly and you will have better results.


Active Member
Flush. water temp 70 to 75 degrees or at least the same ph 5.8 ish. Til water is clean or the run off ppm is low. I never used clearex but sounds good. If you haven't transplanted lately it will help but your cups look like a good size for them babies now. Then let the roots start to search out before lightly feeding them. Stay on the low side of the supply and demand for nutrients.


Active Member
thanks everyone i did everything that you all said really appreciate it will post updates in a couple days