Plants flowering, why so soon?

Sunrise right now in Fl is 6:41am, sunset @ 8:26pm and they get about 9 direct the rest indirect. The pics were taken @ 5:00pm as the sun is hitting the tree line and is filtered till sunset. I think that's sufficient but I am fairly new to Fl and have never grown outdoors before.


Well-Known Member
When did she go outdoors.. was she a clone.. or a seed started outdoors? I normally wouldnt worry about the red stems.. it can be a strain trait.. If you see red veins in the stems.. is when I worry :)
She was started from seed @ the beginning of May and has been outside it's entire life. I have 2 and they are both flowering, both have the red stems but one is starting to show some red veins in the main stalk... How worried should I be? Defficiency? thanks for your input, much appriciated!


Well-Known Member
Im sure the mods here dont like me linking other sites.. but here is a good little thread on plant probs.. It could just be genetics.. or potassium or even nitrogen ...

As for the early flowering.. Im not really sure.. never really done outdoor because I live in a questionable neighborhood.. and my grandfather is great at it.. so I leave it to him lol.


Well-Known Member
Not to worry, some plants have more ruderalis in their genitics and just flower earlier, and besides it looks like a sativa so give your buds more time to get fat and juicy :)


Well-Known Member
bro i think everyones outdoor is doing the same. I have a couple of my outdoors flowering already. Which isnt that big of a deal. Just means earlier buds for me!!^^
I hear ya, I'm just a little worried about mold. It's the rainy season down here and the temps are mid 90's everyday but it's the humidity I'm most concerned with. The humidity is around 75%-100% daily, even at night it sits at 75%. Was hoping to flower with lower temps and much less humidity. Just gonna sit tight and hope I don't run into any issues.