plants getting to tall


Hi there.

What are peoples thoughts on either snapping the tops of plants or cutting down to the next node to stop them getting to " tall" .

As mine are reaching to far up i think.

Any advice welcome to keep them stop getting to clos to the lights !



Active Member
I would not recommend snapping anything on your plant, ever. Only remove parts carefully and with a disinfected and very sharp razor blade. Can you tie the tallest tops to the side? This will have the added benefit of allowing light to reach the lower branches. Are you in flowering or veg? If you are in veg then you can experiment with "topping" but I would only take tops off of tallest branches if you are in veg and have time to let them recover before you plan to flower. Otherwise, just like pruning an apple or cherry tree too early, you are just going to be removing a budsite that has already begun to flower or is just about to.

pics would be very helpful


Well-Known Member
If its in flowering, you dont want to cut it. Just tie it over and let the bottom get some light.


yes fiowering but want to let other bits get taller and stop tall bits hitting the light so i have to move light up
how about breaking top down ?


Well-Known Member
Dont break it down, just take some string and tie it over pull it over to the side and tie it down. Becareful with the stem though, dont bend it so far it breaks, just let it bow over. Then the little popcorn buds growing up the stem will start growing up towards the light.


Well-Known Member
cut it off if you want its going to decrease yeild (duh!!) but its not going to kill your plant. as others have said taking a piece of string and tieing the top dow would be a better option to make the plant shorter



Well-Known Member
with tying it down you can save your yeild and budsites and still make the plant shorter. but if your hellbent on breaking the best part of the plant off go for it. its not going to kill it

just remember if you tie it just pull a little bit every day until you reach your desired outcome, it takes the plant a little bit to grow into the bending,