Plants Growing incredibly slow- Help Please


Active Member
yo for real you want to try some seaweed on your next watering it'll get them back up to par fast! like super someone triple dog dared the neptunes harvest seaweed that it couldn't make a plant grow twice as fast......but then it did


Well-Known Member
If you have any willow tree's near you, you can make some willow water and water your plants with that. Helps stimulate root growth and health.
I know that Fox Farm Ocean Forest has some seaweed in it. I have heard that can overnute plants, but it cant possibly be as bad as miracle grow 3 moth feeding potting soil. Would someone recommend me to switching to that in stead? Is there any way to take the nutrients out of the soil to make it less harsh for seedlings?


Well-Known Member
depending on how big of a cups he has them in heres some pics to give you a idea how fast they can grow by 3rd week there 55+ inches tall so thinking some how there stressed out in my books
What is your setup for all of those? sorry for thread jacking but really curious


Well-Known Member
where did you get that one?
I have willow tree's in my yard, so I use it for a few different things. Cloning, starting seeds, transplanting, if I've damaged roots I'll use it to help speed up it's recovery time. People have been using willow water for years. You would be surprised what in your yard can be used instead of chemicals and expensive nutrients. I don't pay for ph down, cloning powder/gel, compost, never had a spider mite infection due to the lady bugs I catch in my yard and put them in my grow room. Do a little research on general gardening and not just on marijuana and you'll learn a lot about what nature can do for you.

Nepaljam x Oaxaca

Active Member
Superthrive 5MLper gallon for veg and Nitrozyme 5ML per gallon for bloom will excellerate growth and increase yeilds. Both utilize plant hormoans
1. Go buy a camera, you know what they say about pictures.
2. I would shoot the Nitrogen to them and see if it helps.... Maybe that slow release is too slow for Marijuana or it is wrong stuff.