plants have been dying dont know wat to do!!!


Active Member
i started out with a clone about 2 years ago and that died and just recently started growing again.. this time its seeds and they have been growing for a bout a month and are 3 of the 4 are showing signs that they're dying. the first clover like leaves you get are almsot dried up and dead and the lower leaves are turyning yellow some are getting trimmings of yellow too.. i heard this mite be a nitrogen or potassium defficiency so i'm going to get that.. i'm an indoor growin, in my closet in side of a very large tupperware box with lid half removed i will have pics up soon please help if you can i'm in need and oh yaa moneys kinda not an option rite now mayb 40-50 bucks MAX THANKS!!


Well-Known Member
The first set of leaves(well not really leaves) Clover like you discribed. Those do eventualy dry up and fall off. Those are only there to feed the plant till it has establisted itself enough to be able to feed itself. So thats normal that those fall off. I wish I knew what the hell they were called. LMAO. Someone else does and will chim in though.

Active Member

if the plants are turning yellow with brown spots, it could be from high ph or miracle gro soil... both of those things were screwing me over. my taps actually at 8.5 ph and over 400ppm

transplanted to foxfarm ocean forest, and got an ro filter, they seem to be doing fine, no new yellowing :D


Active Member
thansk for the help butt here are some pics if you can take a look and then really let me know if thats the problem also tha veins in tha leaves are turning yellow.. i dont use miracle grow soil i use the mix to the distilled water.............

turning brown here.

outer layer turning yellow & lower leaves becoming lighter...

more brown and yellow spots..

some pics of my set up i kno i need some more lights for tha planst tho...

heres the container theyr in butt the lids halfway open all the time



Active Member
pics are coming once the post gets approved butt yaa ive been using nutes i use miracle grow butt the liquid kind and i mix 1/4 table spoon in one pint
butt i only have one cfl for three plants at 100 W. I'm trying to get atleast one more in there soon


Active Member
i put up some pics and still no more help?!?! haha plzz i need some assistance before theyre pretty much outa commision brahh

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Usually big brown necrotic patches like that are phosphorous deficiency. I wouldn't really worry about which specific nute you are lacking. Usually when you are short on one you are short on them all. I would not recommend MG at all for growing cannabis. There's way better stuff that's not much more expensive. The Dutchmaster Advance line is a good example. There's tons of others. Do you have a local hydro store?


Active Member
yeah theres actually two in my city i wanted to get some help so i would know wat to ask them when i go to the store shut i not tell them wat im growing lmao cuzz i think itd mite help them know wat i need..

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
you said you have been feeding them allready ? those plants are only small how much have you fed them and with what npk ? looks like burn to me , not deficency , there too young to be defecient of anything they should still be using the foods in the soil at this stage .
if it was me i wouldnt be adding anything else at the moment and see how they go on , flushing could make your problem worse if you have nutes pre added to your soil , what soil is it your using ?
and allso they are seriousley lacking light , which will only be adding to your problems .


Well-Known Member
The tin foil isn't good. That could cause burn from the lights.Either use Myler or flat white paint on the walls. Ditch the tin foil..


Well-Known Member
I think the yellowing is from lack of light.

The brown spots look like nute burn. The tin foil can also create hot spots, which will turn brown. At least its wrinkled, that will help with hot spots.
If you insist on using the foil then put the duller side facing the plants, of course mylar is better.

I too was using liquid MG nutes and the liquid getting on some of your leaves can cause burn.

Honestly, they look pretty good to me.
Nicely compact.

Get some more light and be careful with the nutes.


Well-Known Member
I agree with gardenandcats Your tinfoil might be spot burning your plants, especially because it's all crinkled up. Go with mylar if not, spray paint it flat white.