plants have stalkled about 2 weeks from finishing??


Yumbolt 47... Plants grew fine through veg and 1st 6 weeks of flower.. 6.0 PH FFOF Soil and FF Nuts..

Only thing that happened about the same time they stalled My Time somehow got screwed up and when they went lights out, the lights came back on after 10 hours of blackout.
I do understand this can strain them and even turn them back to veg but if this is the problem should it be taking this long to revert back and finish? Will they ever finish or are these guys "screwed"


Oh just to add to this, Plants are completely healthy and are drinking.. One other thing that might have caused this is I think I got a little over zealous on removing fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
just once should be no issue they will do fine.
get the light sorted out or you will have issues that may decrease your yield.