Plants having both CFL Indoor & Outdoor Sunshine any issues ?

I am in the first week of my first indoor grow..I have grown outdoors for 5 years but, forced indoors due to addition to house next door. My question is since my girls are so small I have been bringing them out for that S.W. Florida sunshine for 6 hours or so during the day and did not know if I may suffer any negitive effects from this in the next few weeks.... Back & forth....Going from my 8 bulb x 54 watt each CFL all Veg. lights and having those 6 hours + or - of direct sunshine..So far I do not see any issues...Will this cause me any problems down the road..Thank you for any assistance....After a few more weeks they will be too big for me to leave out doors without fear of being in view...But, for now they seem to enjoy the Florida outdoor weather..It is in the mid 80's in Florida for Sept during the day....Thank you in advance for your help & time..Rick :razz:


Active Member
No...The more light you give them the better. Just remember..
when you do begin to flower 12/12... use only the "soft white" bulbs which
replicate the "red spectrum" of the sun in the fall.
It is essential to the flowering process if you want any sort of decent yield
at harvest. Hope this helps!!