Genetics, let the grow.i planted 6 plants...3 lowryders and 3 mystery seeds i got from a free pack of 20,
3 plants grew strong...and now i got 3 that grew but doesnt seem to be growing for the last few days..and their not as near as big as my next 3... soil is just from the side of my was there when i moved in..i dont want too much chemicals in my plants..your soil is not the best
add a lot more light - shoot for 75 watts/sq foot of growing spacei have like 2 20 watt fluorescence 2 foot tubes
i donno i just repotted like yesterday gettin new soil i think is gonna to disrupt their process...maybe next like 8 weeksWhy did you buy hydro nutes instead of soil?
it kinda did one of the 3 look better than now theres no more red stems...Yeah, I thought transplanting would do the trick... Ususally does. Good luck!