Plants in 24 hr CFL veg lighting showing sex?


Active Member
I decided to let my vegging plants get
24hrs lights. bc i read it will reducde grow time by 25%

weird thing is... the plants visibly display sex already and its only been a few weeks in veg... they are about 1foot tall..

anyone explain this or know why?

one good thing is i can weed out the guys right away...



Well-Known Member
are they an auto flowering plant? I always veg in 24 hrs light.. The only time i've seen em show their sex is when they were auto flowering plants..

best of luck


Active Member
Theres no timers its on 24 hrs. full blast all day / night in a hut i built.
i dunno if they are autoflowers, i used the seeds b4 and they didnt do this under 18 hrs light !

so they matured quick!?


Active Member
well heres agood queston, shuld they go into flower once i see the sex or shuld i let them build better stalk while in veg?


Active Member
I am not to profound of letting plants grow 24 hours, because they have 0 rest time. It's like you being awake for 24 hours... however I don't know if it effects the bud or whatever, but its against nature, but its all your choice :).


Well-Known Member
mine did that it was a nice way to sex before flowering they don't show more then one lil node but if it flowers alot then you have an auto starin and nothing you can do can keep it from flowering.


Active Member
I also thought abt the 24 hrs being no sleep time... but i wanted to try it... i have some in veg for regulat 18 hrs... they are groing sloowww compared these these bad girls

its just the top node... im going to pull all 30 right now and see what thesrest look like, but the 5 i pulled all show sex on the top node