Plants keep falling over and dieing in less than 2 weeks


Active Member
Started a similar thread a few weeks back. Got some good info, but seedlings keep dropping over and dying.

I am getting some good germ rates...almost 100% on is what I am doing. Using Jump Start coco pellets from Hydro Farm. Wetting the pellets with some warm distilled water. I am planting the seed about 1/2 inch into the pellet. I keep the dome on until after the plant is up. Constant temp is about 72-73 degrees. Plants are usually up in about 5-7days. At this point I am not sure how much light to give them...I have heard mixed reviews on flouros and CFLs and 24 hours to 18 to window light...etc. I have done all of that...It seems that I am over watering but I cant imagine letting them get much drier...the pellet feels so light. Should I water from the bottom up? How much water and how should I water? Is distilled ok? I dont want to lose my next bunch of seeds. Please respond with some step by steps that work for you.



Well-Known Member
Are you checking ph? if you use distilled you need to add cal/ mag. you are probably over watering. those pellets retain a lot of water. more than rockwool. ive used those pellets before n didnt like em. i watered the same as usual and it was too much and the cuttings rotted out and thats probably whats happening to you. same can happen with seeds too. ive been using rapid rooters. they're great. you don't have to ph them and everything seems more lush and healthier than when i used rockwool. rooting time is barely faster. never use warm water. u want some what cold water. low temps can help gear them towards female.


Well-Known Member
with seeds i usually just soak rapid rooters in a solution of karma and silica blast. I never jumped on the clonex wagon. i put em in the dark for a couple days. one of my buddies does the opposite and puts them directly under a light. for me as soon as they sprout out the rapid rooter i put em in the light and just water with tap water not to over soak them. when the roots get big enough I either drop em in hydro kit or half gal soil pot. just feed em water and great white til they need nutes. remember KEEP THE TEMP DOWN! Warm water bad