Either flower it and sort it so it only gets 12/12 or re-veg it till it looks ready to flower again. To me re-veg is a pain in the ass, plant grows weak and weird for a while till it gets back to normal. Do not flower after re-veg till normal growth appears again. These would be your main considerations i suppose. There will be little yeild if it re-veg's. Good luck.
Thanx alot for responding, everyone. Yes I have them going 12/12, the pics dnt do the plant as a whole any justice. The nugs are great, the kush smells so kushy, the purple so sweet, hairs are ripening, trichs are not what I want them to be, but besides this bull$#!* everything is better than my last grow at the moment. KG, couple questions, you say no flower until normal growth reappears. I hoped to harvest July. Is this possible or is this a lost cause? Is an early harvest more likely?
How long is " a while" until normalcy (give or take)?
Would it be best to just toss them in my room until finished? (1K w HPS)