Plants showing little spots, downward leafs, leafs are dry doesnt look good :-( PIX!!


Active Member
dyna-gro pro-tekt the silicon solution 0-0-3, half teaspon per gallon.
two teaspon of liquid karma from botan. 9ml of hygrozyme all per gallon .
foxfarm ocean soil with tap watr ph 6.3-6.5.

temps 75-79 humid 27% at the canopy

leafs having yellow spots. some droopy. two leafs have holes. like smomething is eating the leaf. I check for mites and bugs. i cant find any? when i got the clones from the disp. i made sure it had no bugs, i even sprayed them with some sulfer spray first week to make sure. the plants were looking awesome until 3 days ago this problem started happening . any ideas??



Well-Known Member
im still a bit of a noob but, kinda looks like nute burn and possibly your lights are too far away? how far are they away from the plant and what are you using for lighting?

more pics!


Well-Known Member
& is that your camera or are you using a red spectrum bulb? if so that would be your problem. red spectrum is for flowering and blue is for veging & if your using hps i don't think that will work, not for veging. you need metal halide for veg and hps for flower. i could be wrong. you may be able to veg with hps but from all the info i read, you need metal halide til flower time.


Well-Known Member
or instead of burning money on a mh setup be cheap and get some 42watt 6500k cool blue cfl bulbs & just use a bunch of them til its time for you to flower.


Well-Known Member
yea man, id say that's what it is then. too much heat and too much red. in my oppinion anyway! go with 4-42watt 6500k cool blue cfl's. you can get your plant alot closer to them without risking burning the shit out of them and they're alot cheaper to run too. use the hps when you go to flower. no need in burning extra power for nothing other then to stress the plant.

id say there's also a nute problem but that would probably be fixable. but, get that hps the hell out of there for now anyway, loll.


Active Member
It's hard to tell from those pics but holes usually indicate insects. Buy some neem oil and mix it with water in a spray bottle and a drop of dish soap. Spray the top and bottom of the leaves once every week for two weeks. Make sure to do this right before your lights are off, the light reflecting through the water drops can burn spots on you leaves. Judging by the burnt leaf tips you also have nute burn. I would use just water for the next two feedings then start again with 1/2 strength nutes.


Active Member
I left six plants with 600hps , then i put the others in a room with a t5 2 cfl's . to see if its the light thats causing the burns. my dumbass always sprayed the plants with that 600hps on so thats a big no no right??? and i havent seen one insect from the day i got the clones and i treated them just incase if they had any. as far as nutes im confused becuz 4 of the plants get the same nutes. and they look awesome. so could be the light mixed with the spraying since i have the lights on 24/7. the next watering im thinking of just using hygrozyme shouldnt burn the plant right? i could also have nute lock since i dont have a ph soil tester only water.


Active Member
They look fairly young for nute lock, it usually happens after multiple feedings a month or two in. Test the ph of your runoff water, it's the most important number to check. It should be around 6.4. Do you have a digital Ph meter of are you using the test kits? Not familiar with hydrozyme, sorry. Keep in mind that the bugs (white flys, thripes, spider mites, etc..) are VERY small. If you spray neem oil hit the top of the soil too. Also, I would stop misting them, it's not really necessary after the seedling stage unless you are using a foiliar feed (which you shouldn't do when the lights are on).

Hope it helps man!


Active Member
dudeeeeeeeee I found some spider mites gaaaayyyyy, seems like a little infection. I spayed all my plants except the clones that are rooting with safer 3 in 1.


Active Member
the safer spray is running low. Is there anything I can use around the house to kill these fuckers. All plants all have them now grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Active Member
I lost the battle, 3 days ago I notice my plants were dying, didn't see any spider mites till yesterday, they blew up crazyyy. So I used a whole bottle of safer lmao , turned off the lights for 2hrs then I wentto my graveyard shift came backnow and all my plants are pretty much dead ececpt for my unrooted clones lmaooooooooo oh and before work I cut like20 leafs from 12 plants they were infested with eggs, powder on leafs holes , yellow so I cut them! Noob fails!! With a 600 watt hps two t5's 2 cflls lmaoooo weeeeeee


Active Member
Unless you have no choice, creating a food chain in your grow room is not a good idea. If all of your plants are dead you should set off an insect bomb to disrupt their life cycle, then you have to take everything out of the grow room and wipe all of the walls and floors down with a chlorine/water mixture (dont kill yourself air it out while you do). All of your pots must cleaned off and wiped down with this mixture as well. You have to get every single particle of dried leaf and dirt out of the grow area. Repaint if necessary. If you are going to re-use the soil then you have to flush it and then bake it in the oven 250F for 30 - 40 minutes should do. Look up how to re-add nutes to your soil (I am a hydro guy and dont want to steer you wrong).

You either got them from your dirt (gotta love hydro) or from your purchased clones (gotta love seed banks). You should quarantine any outside genetics until you are sure they are ok a clone can live on a window seal for a week and be ok. Also clones are allot easier to de-infest by simply turning them upside down and dunking them into a gallon of water/safe for food pesticide.


Active Member
ty! can I save these plants ?? CIMG0140.jpgCIMG0145.jpgCIMG0146.jpg
CIMG0147.jpgCIMG0148.jpgCIMG0150.jpgCIMG0151.jpgCIMG0152.jpg the mites didnt do the damage I did lmao to much safe spray and plucking of the leafs


Active Member
lol. I think it is less of an if and more of a why? They are most likely going to take longer and yield less.

The clones look good.