plants shriveling up and dying


Active Member
Need alot more info... How often is it watered?? Look's asif it could be extremly overtwatered.... Give us some more info...


Well-Known Member
Need alot more info... How often is it watered?? Look's asif it could be extremly overtwatered.... Give us some more info...
the prob is solved, added water and my fan broke, got a new 1 shes healthy now, recorving buetifully, will take a pic now.
i have two plants in a bubbler system, same container. My container gets filled up with 12 gallons and then I add 3 gallons when it goes down to 9. I added 3 gallons yesterday back up to 12 and one of the plants became extremely droopy. The other smaller much smaller plant is fine. Do you think lack of nutrients is causing this or is there rootbound going on? thanks

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
You made a thread asking if it was cool to grass, here it is;

Now because you and your thread recived negative replys you are now claiming that you did not grass anyone up in the end, which i can guarantee is bullshit!

You know you have bacome a grass, which is very very very low.

Claim as much as you want that you didn't grass, but it's clear you have.

So, if anyone needs to "hush their gums" it would definitely be you, and even though you caimed you didn't grass in the end the damage has still be done and your name is complete mud around here.

You snitch!


that is a post:hump:
Now ask him how to snitch !! i loved your thread, it was like watching the lowest budget gangster flick EVER. The scene when your 5 year old friend got shot.......BRAVO. (and you didn't tell, even though you knew who did it!!!).....GENIUS! and then later in the movie when you wanted more money, THEN, you got ready to snitch...nice touch.But the blood when you stabbed the guy looked kinda fake though, try pig blood.Really instead of telling on dealers, you should build a time machine, switch places with your friend, take the bullet, and maybe he'll respect the life he has...... A thread about snitching, and you told on yourself. PRICELESS
you need to be rebooted, you got a virus