plants sick please help


Well-Known Member
No prob. Foliar feeding is when u spray fert, or anything on the plant itself. Leafs, stems, flowers etc.


Well-Known Member
Are your ladies close to your lights? is it only on the top part of your lady? if yes to both questions, then your too close to the light and are burning you ladies.


Well-Known Member
I'll bet your plants are about 5 weeks old, right? If so, you are running into a calcium def, and need some supplements like Calmag (my recommendation) or epsom salts. Another cause could be fucked PH. Make sure u PH your water anyway, but that is my opinion.(definitely isn't heat, as if it was curling would be the 1st sign, not a couple of brown spots) Good luck


Thanks light is about 8" from them my light is 250watts ......and yea im on week 5 i want to go into flower but im running into these problems also im new to this but and i soppost to pay attention to the leaf temp or tent temp tent is about 65 but leaf temp is around 76 i use a heat laser gun to check