plants small


Active Member
I am new to growing this was only my second harvest however I have made sure that the ppm's are in good levels, the ph has been between 5.6-6.2, and I have been using GH expert recirculating pogram in DWC hydro setups. My main question is how come my buds aren't filling out to much, when I cut them down they were round 75% amber hairs and looked nice, i know when they dry they loose 75% of their weigh but why are they so tiny....I had 50plants and got a measly 17 ounces I mean WTF! Please any certain strains not respond well to hydo and should it be sativa or indica or does none of this matter? Please help!!!!


Well-Known Member
molasses works wonders for fattening buds up, not sure how to implement it to hydro though. i did it in soil and had great results


Well-Known Member
Man, I don't know what to tell ya. I think we need more details to better assist you. What kinda light, and space were those 50 plants in? I got 10ozs off 5 plants with a 400hps, so something seems wrong. How big were the plants, what was your hydro setup like? I think pics and a few more details will get ya on the right track. Good luck buddy.


Active Member
Man, I don't know what to tell ya. I think we need more details to better assist you. What kinda light, and space were those 50 plants in? I got 10ozs off 5 plants with a 400hps, so something seems wrong. How big were the plants, what was your hydro setup like? I think pics and a few more details will get ya on the right track. Good luck buddy.
4 600watt hps in a 12x10 room all in dwc hydo setups used gh products with ro water.....the strain was pineapple punch..its a sativa dominat true is it that you have to pick the buds when the hairs start to turn bc it seemed to me that yes they were turning but I had more and more resin sacks wanting to form so when they dried they are so skimpy I dunno wtf to thinking I picked em to early bc I have them curing and not gettin much smell from em....they are crystaly as fuck and hariy as hel but not a whole lot of bud in the nug if you get my drift