Plants started to bud at 12"... What should I do?

I got some plants from a friend yesterday and they are about 12" in height one month old. I noticed that the plants started to bud all ready. What should I do to slow this down?


Active Member
They are within an acceptable height to flower if you want to continue them on with 12/12 or you could put them back on a veg state if you want them bigger. (Assuming this is an indoor situation.) It might slow them down a bit to throw them back into veg state but you could possibly end up with a bigger yield. Just keep in mind that the plants will double or maybe even triple their size in the flowering stage. So keeping that in mind and maybe make your decision based on that. Hope that helps, peace. =)


Well-Known Member
what do you mean started too bud?sure its a female?is it showing hairs or balls?.....but either way...thats not a problem.a lot of people begin to flower at a month old...if you wait too long you might start outgrowing your space....but hell..if they are flowering females...sit back and watch um grow...and consider yourself lucky...ive had to wait sometimes a month under 12/12 to get them to flower


Well-Known Member
they are all females with white hairs. so i should just flower them now?
thats really up to you and your grow big is your grow space?....really no wrong answer here...long as they are healthy then have no of luck man...hope it yields you some killer smoke.


Well-Known Member
if you want to revert to veg leave them on 24/0 until you want them to start flowering, then switch the light to 12/12 to induce flowering. Absolutely no light leaks or light cycle interruptions.


Well-Known Member
some strains can go purple without the cold roadrunner went dark purple..leaves and buds...and my temps lights on was 87-90f and around 82-85f lights off...thats was in my old grow my stayed really hot most of the time..yet still turned purple on me..and there is no purple pheno to this strain...some just kinda do it on their own...i never did find an answer to why though...othen then cold temps..which wasnt my issue


Well-Known Member
if you want to revert to veg leave them on 24/0 until you want them to start flowering, then switch the light to 12/12 to induce flowering. Absolutely no light leaks or light cycle interruptions.

im sure you know. but taking them back into a full veg cycle takes a month or it will stun the growth a little bit having done this. and your probably gonna want to flower in a few more weeks anyways..

id say just flower more worried about taking them back to veg and then back to flower to quickly maybe stress them hermie


Well-Known Member
im sure you know. but taking them back into a full veg cycle takes a month or it will stun the growth a little bit having done this. and your probably gonna want to flower in a few more weeks anyways..

id say just flower more worried about taking them back to veg and then back to flower to quickly maybe stress them hermie
I'm undecided on the issue myself, he doesnt really give us enough details(or any really) that we need to all put into consideration when choosing the next move that would be best.
thats true reverting does take time, but in this case its not in full flower mode yet though, its just starting to show sex, the plants only a month old so it cant be more than a week into starting flowering yet, so it shouldnt take quite as long as if it was older and further in. Some people force flower on purpose to show sex so they can kill all the males and then re-vert them back to veg. It's an extremely flawed theory, since after about 3-5 weeks of veg growth plants will mature and begin alternating nodes and show preflowers, but it wont cause hermies.