Plants tall and wide


Active Member
Okay i have a quicc question. I have seen some plants online that are wide my plants are just tall wit not that many branches or nodes. Im going for a full plant what do i need to do!? I want these babies to be fully grown ? Do i have to Prune them and when is it too late to do this? Pics are down at the bottom
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Well-Known Member
you must top them buy cuting the top set of leaves off, it will heal itself and gfow two branches where the one was cut. then let it grow another set of leaves or two then do it again untill desired branch count has arrived


Active Member
DAMN!!!! Im past that mark !! Do me a favor ima post some of my pics and give me a little guidance gamble or whoever wants to help out


Active Member
Here they are. I went and checced them out today only to discover a few had been rained on pretty hard. Two of them looked drowned but ive seen that before so i know they will come bacc to life. One has brown spots on it . Is that a nute burn? The others are okay but im starting to see more insects i guess the stuff im using is not working ? Any Suggestions on a good insecticide



Well-Known Member
bleezy is right you can still top them during veg. Yours are still in the clear!
You might just want to do it to one to see if you like it better, i tryed it on mine last year and thought to myself that some of them would have probably done better without toping, but i guess thats just my opinion so top if you want


Active Member
stoney thats whats up !!! I spent some time doing that today cause they were blocking alot of sunlight and growing all in the way of my children

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Cool...if you're doing everything else on here in the growfaq, just be patient and give them time, I'd say...some grow faster than others, and those other plants coulda been choking em out.And its been some weird weather in the U.S lately.
stoney thats whats up !!! I spent some time doing that today cause they were blocking alot of sunlight and growing all in the way of my children


Active Member
The plants that were looking bad yesterday that you see on the pics were looking more that lovely today!! I used the superthrive but i dont think it made them do that that fast!! If so that's some hellified shit!! I mean it!! We will see as the weeks pass!!


Well-Known Member
be careful with the superthirve, I have heard that if you use it thoughout the growth it has possiblilites of turning your plants to hermies.


Well-Known Member
wait i dont understand what you cut!
im getting paraniod my plants getting HUGE!

do you mean the actually leaf you cut the tip off, or the whole leaf?
or do you cut the leaves that are forming on the top?
or the you cut the tiny leaves comming out the branches?
im kind of lost and dont want to do anything with my plant until i know whats up!


Active Member
hey man, try lookin up FIMming your plants. Im doing it to all my clones and it gives great results. When I FIM them I keep the main branch but all the bottom branches start to grow up towards the top and then you can fim those to when they get to the same height. Ive gotten nearly a pound per plant outdoors before by doing this after about the third node. You get tons of bud sites and the plants grow REAL bushy.


Active Member
Thats exactly the answer i have been looking for because i want a eLBow off each and every one of mine. Have you all checced out the post about the Kentuccy grow techniques??? The shit is pretty interestin and worth a try. Checc it out and tell me what u think about it


Active Member
Oh yeah found some snakes in the area today too!! Have to be extra damn careful and get me some snake away! What type of insecticides are you guys using